chapter twenty one.

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I was shocked when I seen Domonique's comment under my post. I didn't expect her to ever unblock me. This must've been some kind of sign. I picked up my phone and dialed her number. Being though I knew she wouldn't answer if she knew it was me, I blocked the caller ID. She didn't answer so, I called a second time.

"Hello?" Her soft voice came through the other side of the phone.

"Domonique... it's me, Isaiah. I wondering if we could talk."

"We're talking right now."

Sighing into the phone, I leaned back on the couch. "Nah, I mean like can we talk in person? Have an actual face to face conversation."

"I don't think I'm ready to see you again so, you could either say what you have to say now or hold it until whenever."

"Aight... I'm sorry for ever putting my hands on you, Nique. That wasn't right for me to take my anger out on you there's other ways it could've been handled. I would never purposely do anything to try and damage the baby's health. Everything I said that night I didn't mean it. Saying the baby wasn't mine was out of pocket. I knew you I was the only person you've been sleeping wit' but, I just got out of control baby. Listen, I really wanna fix all this shit between us. You know I love you so fucking much."

"Cut that bullshit ass apology, Isaiah! Mad or not you should've known how to control that shit. You had no fucking business pushing me to the ground that hard, something could've happened to the baby a second time. And, frankly I don't know if we would've been blessed to keep it that time around. I'm not willing to fix shit until you get your shit together. Your missing appointments and acting like you don't give a fuck. I seen that other comment too, if I find out you really still fucking with Tiara you'll NEVER see this baby and I mean that shit. Fuck you Isaiah."

And just like that the she hung up. It just hit me that I fucked up and hurt her real bad. I don't know what the fuck to do. There has to be a way I can prove to her that I'm really sorry. For now I'ma get back on my grind and do what I gotta do.


Taking the latex band I wrapped it tightly around my arm. I watched closely as the veins became more visible. With my other arm I reached up to the sink and grabbed the needle filled with the dark purple substance. I held it in my hand before inserting the substance into my vein. In the mist of that I removed the tightly wrapped band and soon after the needle also. It felt good to be on cloud nine. Codiene became my new best friend in such a short time. I see why people always buying this shit.

"ISAIAH WHAT THE FUCK!" Ariana screamed, walking through the bathroom doors. "Ma is outside and you in here doing this shit?? Where the fuck is your brain at??"

Waving her off I stood up from the floor, stumbling a bit. "Why the hell you yelling and shit? The fuck she here for?"

"What you think she here for? I told her you was the one that knocked Domonique up."

Shit. Honestly, I should've expected this the first time she said it. I don't know why I didn't think she was serious about it. Sucking my teeth I pushed past her walking into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. I wasn't even about to be able to enjoy my high. Untwisting the cap off I took a sip before sitting on the couch across from my mother.

"You are the reason Domonique is pregnant? How the hell did this shit even happen?"

"It should be clear as day how it happened ma'. The same way you made me is the same way I made that baby. I just did my shit when you weren't around or was in the other room asleep. Shit, we even fucked in the car sometimes. Those two weeks we spent together is when that baby was conceived." I said nonchalantly. I could tell she was ready to come across the table and smack the fuck outta' me.

"Boy, I don't know where I went wrong with you but all I know is you better get your ass back on the right track. Domonique is way too good for you to have even been dealing with all your bullshit. I hope you really be a good father to that baby and don't try and dust it off like you have done the rest. You need to be there for this baby all the way, understood?"

"Mama." Ariana interrupted. "She's two months already, Isaiah ain't been to none of her doctor appointments in this short time frame. They haven't even spoken to each other and when she tried making amends he changed his number."

At the moment throwing a bottle at Ariana's head seemed like a super fun thing to do.

"Isaiah.. You know damn well you weren't raised this way. First you out here selling drugs and now you trying to run away from your responsibilities? What the fuck is up with you?" She leaned her body forward. "Pull this whole act you got going on together. I'm not going to tell you this anymore, if you don't start fixing shit better believe I will work so hard you'll never see that baby. It wouldn't deserve having a no good ass father when it didn't even ask to be born in the first place." She stood to her feet and walked to the door. "Come on Ariana." They both exited the apartment leaving me alone with nothing but my thoughts.


"Ayo, Alexis! You gotta stop coming crazy in the comment section. Like what the hell be up wit' you? I can't have all that shit." I sternly said, making my way into the trap house.

"I'm sorry, daddy. But that bitch was down right stupid for leaving you, Izzy."

Nah, I wasn't fucking with Alexis. I was just fucking her when there wasn't shit to do. Shit, her and Tiara let me fuck both of them at the same time. But, Alexis still don't know I'm the one that got Domonique pregnant.

"Aight, cut the shit." I stood in front of the small room. "I'ma be gone for a while, I got some career things to handle then I got real business to handle."

Tiara raised her eyebrow. "Career? You was serious about that rapping?"

"Ain't that what I said?"

"Whatever. Don't be gone too long or we'll miss you." Alexis added.

It was no more playing, I clearly needed to get Domonique back and quick. After my mother screaming at me it got my head straight a little bit.

( no updates on christmas eve or christmas! enjoy your holiday babes. 😘 )

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