chapter forty six.

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( 8:00pm. )

At midnight everything would be ending for me. I don't even know how I'm going to do this. But, I do know that I'm going to fight for my life. I was hating that me and Domonique even argued this morning. Tonight I had to do the things in preparation for midnight. I walked into the back closet and pulled out the small little black box. I flipped it open and stared at the beautiful diamond ring that was inside. It was amazing in each and every way and I couldn't wait to see it on her finger.

I took it from wrapped inside of a bag filled with guns and placed it into the pocket of the black tux. Underneath of the bag filled with machinery was where the dress I picked out for her was — with Ariana's help of course. She thinks I'm taking Domonique on a date so, she couldn't say no to helping nor would she blow my cover. I carefully picked it up and walked back into the bedroom, laying it on the bed. Afterwards, I walked into the bathroom and ran a nice hot bath, with bubbles and rose petals across it. Once I was satisfied with that, I walked out of the room and downstairs into the living room. I knew she was still mad at me from earlier though, this might be a tad bit hard.

"Baby." I spoke, walking over to her and leaning near her face. "Come with me upstairs."

She didn't look from the television. "For what, Isaiah?"

"I got a surprise for you later but, I need you to get ready now."

"I don't want no surprise. Sex ain't no damn surprise." She shrugged.

I cocked my head back. "That's not the surprise, smartass. Do I have to make you come up those steps?"

"If you touch me... we having some problems. And one of us gon' be getting knocked out and I'm sure it ain't me."

"Watch and see." I nodded, standing up to my feet.

I walked in front of her and picked her up by the waist, throwing her over my shoulder and proceeded to walk back up the steps. I was sure enough to walk quickly so she wouldn't see the dress laying on the bed. We entered the bathroom and I sat her down on the sink.

"ISAIAH! See now you about to ge—" She paused once she looked at the bathtub. "You did this for me?"

"I did. There's more but you have to wait and see." I helped her down from the sink. "Now come on and get in, my QUEEN."

She smiled and slipped out of the dress and underwear she was wearing. I watched as she stepped into the tub and sat down, relaxing herself. Once she was all settled in, I sat on the edge beside her.

"What's all this for?" She asked, looking up at me.

"There has to be a reason? Shit, if I knew that then maybe I would've thought of one while doing all this."

"No, there doesn't have to be a reason. I just thought there would be one.. since we argued earlier."

"Arguing ain't nothing, we just don't agree on some things sometimes. It's normal at the end of the day we still love each other regardless."

"You're right. And we'll always love each other forever, it's been that way since forever too."

I nodded and stood up from the edge. "Now you relax, I'm going to get Skylar ready for our night. Everything you need is laid out on the bed."

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