chapter three.

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Tuesday, August 30.17


NO PART OF ME felt like waking up this morning. I wanted to stay in bed all day. I wasn't sure why but, Alexis saying she fucked Isaiah aggravated me. It wasn't too early to say I liked him and hated him at the same time. That's what I get for having a thing for street niggas. He knew how to handle my attitude and I found that brave.

I shrugged the thought of liking him off and grabbed my purse from the floor. Exiting my bedroom I could see my mother laid out on the couch, out of it. This shit is depressing. She's always high and never knows when I'm leaving the house. No child deserves this kind of treatment even if they're fully grown. I shook my head and proceeded to walk out.

It was a nice day in the hood, for once. The sun was shinning and it wasn't too hot. Looking in the direction of our driveway I decided on which car to drive. LEXUS 450. My baby hadn't been drove in a while so it was only right. Hopping into the car, I placed the key in the ignition and turned the radio on.


Arriving to school and doing the usual make bitches mad routine, I placed my keys into my purse once I was finished. Adjusting the tight fitting shorts around my thighs, walking into the building I stopped at my locker. Capri shortly made her arrival with Amir beside her. Personally, I didn't think he was coming back for a while but things change. Amir was my on and off boyfriend who grew a backbone thanks to me. He plays quarterback on the football team and all the ladies love him.

Unfortunately, he's still stuck on me. I don't know why and I don't know how to get him off. For now he just hangs with us, seems awkward to hang with your exes but we were best friends at first. No need to cut the friendship because of foolish things.

"You lookin' fine as fuck today, girly! Those shorts got that ass popping." Capri exclaimed, giving my ass a slap.

I laughed. "Listen, you know I had to pull these out before it gets cold."

"Those should've stayed in your closet." Amir added, walking around to lean on the locker beside mine. "You ain't supposed to be showing all that."

"Amir, honey. We were over years ago therefore, you have no say in if my ass is showing or not." I shrugged, rolling my eyes.

He smirked. "So? I'll still let you know what's mine. And those cheeks? Still mine."

"I think the fuck not."

Capri placed her weight to the other side of her leg, focused on the hallway. "There go, Izzy! Why he got his arm around Alexis? They was together for one night."

Immediately my head snapped into the direction of the hallway. OH FUCK NO. His arm sure enough was wrapped around her. The last time I recall he told her to untag him in that picture. Isaiah ain't nothing but a liar.

A part of me was angry and I wasn't sure why. We literally just met yesterday, why am I feeling like this? It doesn't make sense. As they came closer I turned my head back to my locker, slamming it shut. It must've startled them because, Isaiah looked in my direction and his smile was wiped away. His gaze then went towards Amir and he looked confused.

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