chapter thirty six.

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( 8:15pm. )

"Tell me why you would even think that baby is mine? I ain't even touch yo' ass like that in the beginning." I looked at Alexis who sat across from me.

She cleared her throat. "Why wouldn't it be Isaiah? You was the only person I was fucking at that time. Tiara can't get me pregnant clearly."

"Ain't no way. I used protection with both of y'all, something ain't right."

"That one time something happened between you and Domonique, you came over and we didn't use protection."

I realized the day she was talking about, it was the day me and Domonique broke things off for good. That night I was intoxicated as hell and didn't know what I was doing. I would've never expected nothing like this to be the result. How the fuck do I keep getting into fucked up situations?

"I don't know what to tell you." I shrugged, standing up with Skylar in my arms. "I have a family now and shit just starting to look better. Ain't nothing about to fuck that up."

"You BEEN had a family, Isaiah. You act like those three other baby mamas don't exist, why all of a sudden you wanna take care of this one? You make no sense and what's crazy is Domonique doesn't know all the dirt that you be doing. I'll inform her though if that's the last thing that I do."

Ignoring everything she was saying, I made my way out of the trap and got Skylar situated into her car seat. Hopping into the car, I started the engine and pulled off. While I was driving my mind kept racing. If Alexis is pregnant with my baby, Domonique is definitely going to leave me. That's the last thing I want happening. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do.

( 9:00pm. )

Pulling up to the house, I parked in the garage and started getting Skylar out. Unlocking the garage door I walked into the pitch black house. I walked straight upstairs to our bedroom and dropped the diaper bag on the floor. I placed the car seat on the floor also and grabbed Skylar out. She was knocked out and sleeping peacefully. I placed her on the bed with lots of pillows around her so she wouldn't roll onto the floor. The sound of the shower water running caught my attention, I kicked my shoes off and walked toward the bathroom.

Pushing the door open I could see her silhouette through the shower curtain. I cracked the door a little and proceeded on removing everything I was wearing. Walking over to the shower, I carefully opened the shower curtain. As suspected, her eyes were closed as she let the water flow on her skin. I stepped in behind her closing the curtain back. I placed my hands on her shoulder causing her to jump some and her eyes opened quickly.

"You scared me." She chuckled. "You don't make noise when you enter, huh? Where's my baby and you're late. You should've been back, what took you so lo—"

I cut her sentence short by pulling her body closer to mine by her waist. "Calm down." I softly kissed the side of her neck. "She's in the bed sleeping, pillows all around her so she'd be alright."

She relaxed herself and nodded. "Alright.. just checking." She mumbled, biting her lip.

"Why don't we have some fun with this small time we have together?" I continued kissing her neck.


A small moan exited her lips as I continued to kiss on her neck, leaving a bright red hickey. She instantly turned around so that she was now facing me and roamed her hands all over my chest.

"Make it quick." She smirked.


( 9:40pm. )

I leaned down a bit turning the shower water off and wrapped the towel around my body. It almost felt like forever since Isaiah touched my body. I couldn't resist him even if I tried. But trying to stay quiet in the hardest thing in the world. Somehow I accomplished it. I walked into the room and as expected Skylar was still knocked out.

I grabbed a oversized shirt from my drawer and slipped onto it. Isaiah walked into the room already dressed in nothing but gray sweats. Obviously trying to start something again. This man clearly drives me insane. I carefully climbed onto the bed, being sure to not wake the little one.

"Why don't you just put her in the bassinet. We bought it for a reason." He calmly spoke.

I shrugged. "I like looking at her while she sleeps and it makes me feel better knowing she's right beside me."

"I'ma let her know her mama was a creep." He chuckled. "Set her in there for tonight, see how she does. She'll still be right beside you."

I carefully picked Skylar up and placed her into the bassinet that sat beside the bed. I adjusted her and made sure she was comfortable before climbing back into bed.

He joined me on the bed and pulled me close to him. "Now we can cuddle up."

"Nigga, please." I laughed. "What makes you think I wanna cuddle up with you?"

"The way you just sucked my dick makes me think you want to."

"Izzy! Oh my god, shut up." I laughed, playfully smacking his face.

He shrugged. "What? It's true."

"I hate you so much."

"You love me and you know it."

"Do I? I do but the question is do you REALLY love me? Through all the lies and cheating do you honestly love me?"

I didn't have plans on asking this question but I couldn't hold back any longer. I needed reassurance that I won't be out here looking stupid again.

He nodded. "Yes, baby. I love you, I don't want to love anyone else but you. You gave me my first daughter and you opened my eyes to a lot. You ain't never leave my side no matter what dumb shit I was doing. I promise you I'ma make it all up to you."

"Alright... you don't have any secrets do you?"

"No." He paused for a moment. "No secrets at all baby. Now come on and let's go to sleep."

For some reason, something was telling me he was lying but I ignored it. I want to actually believe him this time and that's what I'm going to do. I cuddled up next to him, laying my head on his chest and started to close my eyes.

"Please don't break my heart again." I whispered.


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