[1] Second Date

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When Roman had suggested they go on another date, he hadn't anticipated that they would be sat on the hill of the Imagination, with a book in each of their hands, nor had he expected to like it as much as he did.

Roman was sat on the grass, with his boyfriend's head resting on his thigh, and he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the company, and the pressure on his leg.

Logan's mind was lost in his book, so Roman found himself stealing glances, taking in every feature on his face, taking in the way his face scrunched up when a character did something idiotic, or when he'd crack a small smile when he found something amusing. Logan was full of emotion, and Roman knew that, no matter what he said when the other's were around.

Roman smiled when he looked at Logan, it didn't matter what was going on, or who was around, if Roman so much as glanced at Logan, a small smile would tug at his lips, and it would linger for a while, until he was alone. Sometimes, when he was alone, he would think about Logan, and it would bring a smile to his face. He would remember the small things they did together, and how happy he felt knowing he had someone to call his own. Even though they had been together for a short time, Roman was happier than he had ever been, and he didn't care if he fell too hard too fast, because he knew Logan had done the same.

"You are staring."

Logan's voice bought Roman back to the present time. He smiled weakly, and put his book down, noticing that Logan had placed a bookmark in his own book, and sat up, turning his gaze to his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry. I got distracted."

Logan smiled, and a light pink dust coated his cheeks, causing him to turn away, determined to hide the effect his boyfriend had on him.

Roman reached forward and tilted his boyfriend's chin back to him, he loved when Logan got flustered, he found it adorable, and it always bought a smile to his face knowing he had that effect on him.

"You have to stop that." Logan attempted to be firm, but both knew there was little instruction behind it.

"You love it really."

Logan rolled his eyes, but couldn't stop the smile from forming as Roman gave him the cheesey, cheeky grin he had, one that only Logan got to see.

"Yeah sure I do."

Roman found himself looking up, ignoring the feeling of Logan's eyes on him.

"You're staring," he commented, after a few moments of silence, and not feeling Logan's eyes leave his face.

"Yeah. I am."

Roman smiled, and looked at his boyfriend.

"It's a good job I love you then, isn't it?"

Logan blushed slightly, knowing it was their first 'I love you'.

"I love you too, even if you are annoying." Roman grinned at Logan's words, and he wrapped an arm around Logan's waist, causing him to move slightly closer.

They stayed close to one another for what felt like an eternity before anything else happened. Roman was the first to make the move. He glanced down at Logan's lips, silently asking him for permission, knowing that if he spoke, he would ruin any of the mood they had created. A slight nod was all he got in response, allowing him to close the small gap between them.

It wasn't their first kiss, but it gave off as many emotions as their first did. It wasn't a long kiss either, but it was long enough for them to feel exactly how the other felt.

When they parted, they heard a rumble of thunder overhead.

"It is going to rain."

"Then we should finish out date inside, with a movie, and some snacks." Roman smiled and stood up, extending his hand out, letting Logan take it.

They walked back into the Mind, and enjoyed the rest of their date, knowing they had to go and read together again at some point.

686 words

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