[19] Be My Partner Au

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T.W. Mentions of Blood, and a Burn (Not angsty, I promise.)

Roman looked around his room, trying to distinguish one thing from the next. It wasn't working and he didn't know what to do, he wanted to distract himself from the pain in his arm, but he couldn't figure out how to do that. His enemies power had damaged his arm, and burnt his skin, which was less than pleasant, and he didn't know how he was supposed to counteract it.

He sighed and hissed in pain as he put more pressure on the burn, trying to keep quiet so he didn't alert his roommate of his pain.

"Roman?" His roommate knocked on his door, and he put on a brave face before pulling the door open, making sure he kept his arm covered, and out of sight.

"Yes?" He smiled at the nerd, he had taken a liking to him, and he would even go as far as saying he had developed a slight crush on him.

"Are you okay? You are home later than usual." Logan frowned, and tried to look around Roman, to see what was going on in his room.

"I am perfectly fine, specs, now, if you don't mind, I have a lot of homework to do." A spike of pain shot through his arm, and his voice came out slightly strained.

"Roman, let me in."

"Logan, it really doesn't matter."

"You are in pain, do not lie to me."

"I'm fine." He spoke through gritted teeth, not wanting Logan to fuss over him.

"What are you doing to yourself? Why are you out so late? Why do you push me away?"

"Because I don't want you getting hurt, I care about you Logan. I won't let you get hurt because of me."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Just please go away." Roma took a step away from the door, and hit his arm on the bookcase, causing him to wince in pain.

Normally, Logan would have brushed it off, but paired with Roman's odd behaviour, he was concerned, and didn't want to let it go.

"Roman, let me see your arm."

Too tired to argue, Roman stepped away from the door, and let Logan into his room. The sight of the blood on the carpet made Logan's breath catch in his throat, and he turned to look at Roman with wide eyes.

"I didn't do it to myself." Roman assured him, before pulling up his sleeve, and showing Logan the burn on his arm.

"Roman! Who did this?" Logan didn't know of many Fire powers around the city, which made the guilt swirl in his stomach more. Logan was capable of using fire to his benefit, and he could harm people with it, which was why he was the most well known villain in the city.

"Some guy... Logic or something, he's been a pain in my behind for months now... I don't know who he is, or what his deal is, he just always seems to be there, doing something that I have to help stop."

Logan's eyes widened, and he left to get some bandages and burn cream for Roman's arm. He kept the cream stashed away for when he burnt himself whilst practicing, or fighting Princey, who just so happened to be Roman.

When he got back to Roman's room, said male was lying on his bed, eyes closed tightly, trying not to acknowledge the pain in his arm, which proved to be more difficult than thought.


Roman's eyes opened, and settled on the male in the doorway.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" Roman frowned, and pushed himself into a sitting position, scanning Logan's face, only finding it devoid of emotion, as per usual.

"This will hurt, and I am sorry for that."

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