[29] Planning

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Logan sighed and looked to the male sat to his right. Said male was writing something down in a notepad. They were supposed to be planning the new video idea, but Logan couldn't concentrate, and every time he tried to input something, the words died on his tongue, and he wanted nothing more than to just stare at Roman all evening. In fact, that was pretty much all he'd been doing, and he was bound to be caught eventually.

"Hello? Earth to Logan?" Roman's hand in front of his face bought him back to reality, and he realised he'd stopped paying attention to anything Roman had said, or done. Logan sighed, raising his hand to his head, trying to get rid of a headache that had begun to form.

"Maybe we should call it a night?" Logan suggested weakly, he didn't want to stop spending time with Roman, but he knew, logically, that if they weren't getting anything done, there was no point in them even trying.

"Are you alright?" He noticed Roman's frown, and he realised how uncharacteristically odd he was acting. Knowing Roman saw he was acting differently didn't help him feel much better either, but he didn't know what else to do. He had been feeling things, new things, he'd never felt before, and he didn't know how to react to those things.

"Not particularly. I do not feel too good, so I should retire to bed." He stood from Roman's bed and collected his things that had been strewn across the place.

As he turned to leave, he felt a hand on his wrist, making him pause in place and feel his cheeks heating up. He turned to face Roman and frowned when he was pulled in for a hug.

"Take care of yourself, okay? Thomas knows things can get to be too much at times, so don't rush to get back and write the script."

Logan nodded, words dying on his tongue. He wanted to talk to Roman, to ask him about the feelings he had, but every time they were around one another, he seemed to forget how to properly function, and he hated it. He was Logic, he was supposed to understand everything, and not feel anything.

As they parted from the hug, Roman's hand slid down to rest on his wrist again, and he smiled weakly, not much caring about it being there.

"Thank you, Roman." He finally managed out, sending a glance to where Roman's hand lay on his wrist, he didn't hate it, it made his wrist feel somewhat tingly, and he wanted Roman's hand to stay there forever. "Say, do you mind if I stay for a while? I do not wish to be alone for a while..."

"Is everything okay?" Roman frowned, and Logan sighed, realising he had to be honest eventually, but now wasn't that time.

"I am just confused, is all, and being alone amplifies that confusion." He smiled weakly, and held the notepad closer to his chest, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart.

"By all means, stay here, but if there is anything I can help you with, please let me know." Roman let go of his wrist and led him back to the bed, where an awkward silence fell over them, and they didn't know what else they could say.

Before long, Logan's eyes began to droop, and as they did, he leaned against Roman, who, unbeknownst to Logan, wrapped his arm around Logan's waist, and held him until he fell asleep.


Logan groaned as he woke up the following morning, his neck ached, and he was convinced he'd overslept. As he recalled the events of the previous night, he looked up to the sleeping male, who was rested against the headboard and was still very much asleep. Logan would be lying if he said he didn't think Roman was cute, and it was the first time in a long time that Logan had seen him truly relaxed.

Before long, Roman was disturbed from his slumber, and Logan shifted away from him, a light pink coating his cheeks.

Despite the beadhead and crumpled clothes, Roman looked well rested, Logan, on the other hand, looked as though he'd been dragged through a hedge backwards.

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