[8] Blind Au

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Roman loved his boyfriend, however, there were times where he could be a bit... forgetful. See, Roman was blind, and you'd think the smarter male would remember a vital piece of information like that, but there were times where he would forget, and suggest they do something, and Roman would try to be funny in his reminder that he could not see.

Despite having gone out for 4 years, the idea that Roman was blind would not stick in Logan's head, and he hated it. He never intended on upsetting Roman, or forgetting that he was blind. Roman claimed it was okay, but Logan knew it would only be so long before Roman had enough of him forgetting and he'd leave.


Roman smiled to himself, despite not being able to see, he still found ways to enjoy the world around him. He always made sure to listen to the birds chirping, or the chatter amongst other people. He usually had his guide dog with him, which alerted others of him having some form of handicap, and he would wear sunglasses, inside or outside, he didn't want people getting uncomfortable with his eyes. He had his mother describe them to him before, and he knew she was uncomfortable with it. Ever since he was born, he'd had people wait on him hand and foot, and he found it suffocating.

He'd moved out at 20, just after finishing his first two years at college. He appreciated his mother always being there to help him out, but he couldn't handle her constant babying of him, and he wanted to start living life on his own. He knew the only reason she bothered him so much was because she felt obligated to. She'd seen it as she'd given birth to a kid with a disability, so she had to do all she could to remedy it, but Roman didn't care. He was a happy kid, and an even happier adult, his disability wasn't a disability to him. It was just another part of him, much like having ears or hair, just his eyes didn't work, and it didn't phase him at all.

Of course, kids had asked questions and whispered behind his back (or at least that's where he guessed they were, he couldn't see for sure), but he didn't care, he was happy to be different, and he couldn't be happier to have something to make him different. He knew people could get uncomfortable with the slightly dull blue that shone through the cloudiness of his eyes, but he didn't care, he was happy with himself.

As he was walking through the park, his dog having been left at home, he smiled to himself enjoying the sun on his face, the smell of the flowers, the sound of kids laughing, and the slight blurriness he saw, which mixed all the colours together, and he was happy. His cane was in front of him, and he wasn't paying much attention to where it was, but as he swung it back in front of him, he hit something.

"I apologise." A voice spoke to him, and he smiled.

"No need. I should have paid more attention to where I was swinging this thing."

Roman couldn't see much of the person in front of him, due to his glasses, and lack of eyesight, he was unable to make much out, other than they seemed to be dressed in somewhat formal, and dark, clothing.

"I have seen you around here before, you come here often." The voice observed.

"I do. It's nice to get out of my apartment, and to be able to breathe." He smiled and looked around, not that he was seeing much.

"It is not overly sunny, are you sure you would like to use those glasses?"

"I am sure." Roman smiled.

"Alright." They sounded skeptical, and Roman found himself wishing he could see the person the beautiful voice belonged to.

"You see, even if I wasn't wearing them, I would still be unable to see, they are there for the comfort of others." Roman reached up to take them off, but he felt a hand on his wrist.

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