[27] Theater Au

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T.W. Possibly, but it's fluffy, so it's okay.

He wasn't supposed to walk into the theater room, he wasn't supposed to meet him, nor was he supposed to become friends with him. They were never supposed to meet, so how did it all happen?

Logan sighed, it wasn't that he disliked school, or his friends, quite the contrary, really, but there were times that he wished he could escape. He loved being around his friends, but they could be loud, and too much at times. Other times, it was fine, and he would be able to stay with them for hours. But today wasn't one of those days.

He walked away from his friends, and his original intention was to go to the library, but something told him that there wouldn't be much better than the courtyard. He decided to go to the theater, he knew no one ever went there, and as long as he wasn't seen, it wouldn't be an issue.

His group of friends and the theater kids didn't get along well. He and the theater club president got along well, but for some unknown reason, no one else around them did.

He made it into the room, and sighed, relieved he hadn't been spotted, and he took a seat in the back, watching his boyfriend up on the stage. This happened often. Logan would walk to the theater room, and watch his boyfriend, who would see him after a couple of songs, and they would end up talking and spending time together for the rest of lunch.

He smiled as his boyfriend started singing another song, and watched as his eyes scanned for Logan.

By the end of the song, the two were rather close, both wearing a prominent blush, and their lips almost brushing against one anothers.

"Bravo, wasn't that just phenomenal?" A familiar voice echoed from the shadows, and the two males stepped away from one another, glancing around, trying to locate the source of the voice. Logan's hand reached for Roman's and stilled as he gripped Roman's wrist, feeling like it was enough for then.

"No. It wasn't." Roman spoke up, he knew it was a rhetorical question, but that wasn't going to stop him from saying what he thought.

The male stepped out from the shadows, and walked over to Roman. "It's a real shame no one asked for your opinion." His finger trailed up Roman's chin, lifting his head with it. Roman glared at him the best he could from the angle he was at. "Isn't it?" Roman refused to answer, he may not have been asked about his opinion, but he sure as hell wasn't going to keep it quiet, he deserved to be heard, and if they didn't care, they could suck his d- "Answer me."

Roman kept his mouth closed, he had nothing more to say to him, and Logan's hand was a heavy weight on his arm, enough to keep him grounded, and to remind him that it wouldn't just be him that had the issues if he acted recklessly.

The male growled, and walked away, standing a few rows in front of them. "I know your secret, and if you don't answer me, so will everyone else."

"Let them know." Logan spoke up, eyes narrowed. He didn't care if everyone else knew, he didn't care if they were casted away from their friends. If their friends didn't stick by them, then it didn't matter. They weren't good friends.

His hand slipped into Roman's and Roman shot him a small smile. Logan used their now linked hands, to pull Roman closer to him, putting them back in the position they were in before they were interrupted.

"Let them all see. I do not care. I love him, and if anyone cares, then too bad. He's my boyfriend, and I'm not letting him go because you're too insecure about your own sexuality." Logan finished speaking, and closed the gap between him and Roman, smiling when they heard a frustrated groan, and the retreat of footsteps.

Roman soon pulled away, and frowned. "Did you mean that?"

"What? That I don't care if they see us?"


"Of course I did. I don't care if anyone else sees us. Not anymore. I love you, and if you want to, we can go and sit out in the courtyard together, and if either of our friend groups have a problem with it, they can shove it up their-"

"Okay okay." Roman cut him off, smiling fondly. "I love you too, but let's calm down a bit. How did you know it would work?"

"He's all talk, don't worry about him."

Roman nodded, and Logan reconnected their lips, smiling as Roman pulled him closer.

Maybe things were rocky, and people had their fair share of hate, but in the end, it didn't matter, as long at Logan and Roman were happy together.

812 words

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Take care

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