[2] Intricate Details

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Roman smiled to himself, as he took in the sleeping figure of his boyfriend next to him. It was rare that they shared a bed, especially since they both loved their space. They would love to be around one another during the day, but when it came to nighttime, they would prefer to be in their own rooms, where they didn't have to worry about waking the other. However, occasionally, they would fall asleep together, after watching a movie, and the issues didn't concern them, especially not when one of the two woke up, and got to see the other sleeping.

Logan's glasses lay on the bedside table next to his head, which meant Roman could see his boyfriend's eyes as soon as they opened. Logan's eyes were always what intrigued Roman, they were the same dark brown as everyone else's, but there was something more, something special, about his eyes. Maybe it was the way they lit up when he got passionate, or when they held all the emotion his facial features couldn't say. Maybe it was the way they dulled when he seemed lonely, or overworked, and drooped when he was fighting to stay awake.

Roman's eyes traveled to Logan's lips. The lips that were so soft, and kissable at any point, the lips that he was able to claim as his, and show any love through a simple gesture. The plump, pinkness was inviting, and whenever Roman's gaze settled on them, he felt an overwhelming urge to kiss them, he loved feeling his boyfriend's lips on his own, it made his whole being feel like it was on fire. Right then, those lips were parted slightly, and the corners turned up into a small smile, showing Logan was content in his dreamstate.

One of Logan's hands rested on Roman's stomach, after having draped his arm over Roman's torso at some point in the night. Logan's hands were slightly bigger than Roman's, and rougher, despite Roman training more, and utilising his hands when fighting. Logan's hands were used for writing, and experiments, he would constantly wash his hands, in order to get any chemicals off them, or any ink from writing down his conclusions. Roman loved trailing his thumb over Logan's hands, when they were entwined. He wasn't sure why, but Logan's hands always felt so comforting to him. They were the first part of Logan that felt like home. Although his hands were rough and calloused, his touches were gentle, and calm.

Logan's heart beat steadily, his chest pressed against Roman's side, allowing him to feel the steady thump. Logan's heart was metaphorically bigger than he let on. He gave so much love to those around him, but when he was hurt, he would hide his heart, because he knew how easy it was for it be be figuratively broken. When Logan did hide his heart, Roman was always the one he went to, especially if it was one of the other sides who had hurt him, he would seek comfort in his safe place, and that made Roman feel elated, knowing his boyfriend trusted him enough to go to him, even when he was scared of being broken.

Logan's body was another thing completely. When Roman first saw Logan shirtless, (it was an accident, he hadn't meant to walk in on him changing,) his jaw hit the floor. Logan wasn't toned, not by any means, but his figure was perfect, in every sense of the word. Roman wouldn't be able to describe it, even if he wanted to. That day, Roman fell more in love. In the beginning, he loved Logan's personality, his heart, his kindness, generosity, but when he actually saw Logan, he fell deeper in love.

Logan stirred in his sleep, and his eyes slowly fluttered open, and Roman watched him slowly wake up. In that moment, there were a million things to notice, but Roman only noticed one. He noticed his boyfriend's beauty. In that moment, Logan couldn't have looked more perfect if he tried. It was the genuine beauty, nothing forced, nothing purposeful, just pure, genuine, natural beauty, and Roman couldn't have been happier.

692 words

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