[41] We're Not Soulmates

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T.W. Swearing (once) and idiot parents?

Logan sighed and looked at the words on his wrist, they didn't match the words his best friend spoke to him the first time they met, but that didn't stop him from falling in love with him. His best friend seemed to feel the same way, although, to be fair, Logan had yet to say anything to Roman.

Logan was mute, had been since he was about six. He babbled for the first few years of his life, then when he started school, he stopped. He wasn't important to most people, so he just stopped. He excelled at learning, but that didn't mean he was going to participate. He somehow managed to get out of doing a language class because he didn't speak. The doctors couldn't figure out why he stopped, so, it was just a thing they had to deal with.

His parents didn't like it. They made it pretty clear whenever they spoke to him, their words were like ice, piercing his skin. They hated him, and it was only when he saw Roman for the first time, and he was spoken to, did he truly feel like he mattered.

Oh, Crap crap crap. I'm sorry, please don't hate me.

By thirteen, most kids were swearing profusely, and Logan realised the person he was supposed to be with was someone who rarely swore, and when he crashing into Roman, he knew Roman wasn't his soulmate, not just from the words. Sure, when he spoke he was swearing because he was terrified he'd hurt Logan, but that didn't matter. He radiated confidence, where the words seemed to be from someone shy and timid.

Ever since then, Logan's feelings only grew, and sure, he was supposed to be tied to another person, but he couldn't help it. He loved Roman, and he wasn't sure anything could change that.

A few years later, when he turned sixteen, Logan met another person. They transferred to the local high school, and immediately settled in with Logan and Roman. The only issue was, when Roman and this kid first spoke, it was clear the two were soulmates.

What, were your parents unable to afford anything other than hot topic merch?

Virgil had looked at their wrist and bitten their lip. That was the moment it truly hit Logan. He and Roman weren't soulmates, and he knew Roman would soon be leaving him. Despite being together for two years, Roman had his soulmate.

Virgils response to Roman? "At least I don't look like some Disney royalty f*cked."

Logan had looked at his own wrist and sighed sadly. He knew he wasn't supposed to be with Roman. The soulmate system didn't lie. But things were slightly messy when it came down to that.

Roman's words were on Virgil's wrist, but Virgil's weren't on Roman's wrist. It messed things up for a while. Virgil and Roman were awkward around one another, and Logan and Roman tried to not let it get to them. But it did. All the way until college.

When they started college, they met someone named Patton. He was bubbly and lively and immediately fit right in. However, his presence disrupted the balance even more.

The square was almost complete. Roman's words were on Virgil's wrist, Virgil's words were on Patton's wrist. After an embarrassing incident, Patton's words were on Logan's wrist, which left one more side to be filled.

Logan's words and Roman's wrist.

The group of them weren't really sure what was going on with their soulmate issues, but after a while, Patton and Virgil started dating.

It was clear that their soulmate situation wasn't normal, which gave them two people to pick from. Luckily enough, their feelings were enough and they'd sorted it out with minimal issue. Even if they didn't know that Logan and Roman were meant to be together.


Logan sighed and looked up at the night sky, his hand in Roman's. The two had been together for almost six years, and it was the best six years Logan could've asked for.

Sure there were some issues, and Logan didn't speak at all, but that just made it more special.

"Logan?" Roman turned to face his boyfriend.

Logan looked at him and nodded, sending him a small smile.

"Do you think we'll ever get married?"

Logan shrugged and pulled off the ring he usually wore on his right hand. He sat up and took Roman's left hand into his own, sliding the ring onto his ring finger.

"Someday?" Roman looked at him and kissed his cheek, waiting until Logan nodded. "Someday can't come soon enough."

Logan smiled and traced the words he'd become all to familiar with on Roman's wrist.

I do.

Two words. Simple. And Logan was convinced he was Roman's soulmate. Not because he'd planned it, but because with every passing day, he trusted Roman more and more, and he couldn't wait until the day he said 'I do.' at the alter.


Patton stood with Logan behind the wooden doors. Since his parents had an issue with him not speaking, they didn't deserve to be there when he started again.

"Are you sure about this? You don't have to marry him, Logan."

Patton stressed, tidying Logan's suit. Despite patton being Logan's soulmate, Logan felt no romantic attraction to him. He never had. They collectively come to the conclusion that they were platonic soulmates, same with Roman and Virgil.

Logan took Patton's hand and smiled softly, nodding once. Sure of himself.

They linked arms and as the music began, the two walked down the aisle, arms linked.

Logan couldn't fight the smile that formed as he saw his soon to be husband waiting for him. Roman in his red and white, the same as always.

Logan stopped in front of Roman, taking his hands and watching Patton step to the side.

It was only a small wedding, but that was more than okay by the both of them. Just a few friends and family members.

Logan felt his heart race as the priest got closer to them saying their vows. Logan hadn't prepared anything, having no intention of saying anything before those two words.

"Do you, Roman Prince, take this man, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part?"

"I do," Roman nodded, his hand shaking slightly. He held Logan's hand slightly tighter, the ring seconds away from being slid down Logan's finger.

Logan watched as the cool band rested against the base of his finger, before mirroring Roman's previous actions.

"Do you, Logan Sanders, take this man, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part?"

Logan smiled softly, meeting Roman's gaze. "I do.." he spoke softly, unable to give his voice anymore volume after 15 years of not using it.

Roman's jaw dropped, barely registering the ring being slid onto his finger. His eyes were wide and filled with tears.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss."

Roman kissed Logan like his life depended on it. His hands were shaking and his tears mixed in with their kiss, neither caring much at all.

"You're my soulmate..." Roman whispered as they parted, unable to fight the grin that took over his face.

Logan nodded and kissed him again and again. "I'm your husband too."

Roman laughed softly and held onto Logan tightly. "I'm the luckiest man ever."

Logan smiled and held onto Roman tightly. Their relationship wasn't perfect, by any means. But they were happy, and that's what mattered. That's what made it all the more perfect in the end.

1271 words

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