[23] Mistletoe Au

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Logan smiled as he looked around the house, he and his boyfriend had decorated for Christmas, including mistletoe, fairy lights, and everything else that was too eccentric for him, but it made his boyfriend happy, so he wasn't going to ruin that for him.

"Roman?" He called into the house, wondering where his idiot of a boyfriend had run off to. He'd searched the house a few times, and was yet to find him. Roman was usually good at hiding when he wanted to, that, or, Logan was just bad at finding people.

As expected, he got no reply, and he walked into the kitchen, spotting another piece of mistletoe hung above the kitchen doorway.

"Roman, this is the sixth piece of mistletoe I have found, and stood underneath, today, if you wanted to kiss me you could have asked."

Roman just showed up, snaking an arm around his waist, grinning cheekily. "But that's no fun."

Logan rolled his eyes, and turned around in his hold. "Maybe so, but I found you."

Roman shrugged, and glanced upwards, reminding Logan of why they were there. "Kiss me?" He asked quietly.

Logan smiled and closed the gap between them, wrapping his arms around Roman's shoulders, drawing them closer to one another.

After they parted, they went to watch movies, none of which appealed to Logan, but he was happy when his boyfriend was, and he had no intention of stopping him from something he loved, even if it was a tad bit extra.

251 words

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