[40] Sickness Stand Up

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T.W. are in the picture above.

Roman looked around the crowded hallways and sighed softly. His boyfriend was supposed to be meeting him for lunch, but for some reason, he hadn't shown. It wasn't like Logan to be late, so why was he late now?

Roman couldn't help the nerves that raged inside him. What if something bad had happened to him? Maybe one of the older kids in the school, the bullies, had found him and started hurting him. He knew he shouldn't worry, but this was his boyfriend for crying out loud!

He looked around once more, trying to spot the tuft of dark blue that belonged to his boyfriend, but he wasn't there. He tapped his foot, growing restless. He pulled out his phone to double check the time and location.

He was in the right place and at the right time, in fact, he'd been early. But Logan still hadn't shown. As the minutes ticked by, his nerves grew. He wasn't sure what to do. He wanted his boyfriend to show up so he didn't need to worry so much, but it didn't seem like he was going to show.

Roman sighed and text his boyfriend that he was going to the coffee shop, and he'd be there if he decided to show. He wasn't sure what had come over his boyfriend, but he wasn't going to let himself wallow in self pity. At least not in public.

He started walking towards the local cafe, checking his phone. Logan hadn't even read the message, let alone replied to it. He wasn't sure whether he should call him, or not.

He sighed and called Logan. He walked, tapping his thighs nervously. Logan had to pick up. He wasn't sure what he'd do if he didn't.

"Hello?" Logan's voice filtered through the phone, and Roman could swear he sounded hurt.

"Lo, where are you? What happened? I gave you a time and place and you just left me hanging. Where are you?"

Logan groaned and sighed softly. "I'm sorry, Ro. Can we reschedule, I don't feel good."

"Where are you?"

"At home..."


"I left after lunch... I kind of threw up."

"And you didn't tell me?!" Roman made a 180 degree turn and ran in the direction of Logan's house, worried about his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, Ro. I didn't mean to worry you. The phone ringing woke me up..."

"It's fine. I'l be right there."

Within ten minutes, Roman was next to Logan's bed, holding his hand and talking about everything and nothing, determined to make sure his boyfriend was okay. It wasn't perfect, but it was as good a date as it could've been, given the circumstances. And Roman wouldn't have it any other way.

453 words

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