[13] Come Back Au

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Roman smiled fondly, running his hand through his boyfriends hair. The two males were lying in a hammock, in Roman's backyard, appreciating the slightly cooler weather, with a blanket draped over them. His boyfriend's back was pressed to his chest, and they each had a cup of coffee in their hands, keeping them warmer, not that they needed it much, since they had each other.

Roman was so lost in thought, he didn't hear his mum come outside to tell him his other two friends were here.

"Roman." His mother placed her hand on his shoulder, and he flitted his eyes to her, waiting for her to continue. "Your friends are here." She smiled fondly, and gestured to the backdoor, where his other two friends were waiting.

"Hey." Roman spoke softly, when his friends walked over. He smiled weakly, and glanced back at his sleeping boyfriend.

"How is he?" Patton asked, not speaking above a whisper, scared of waking Logan up.

"Not great. I haven't seen him this sad ever." Roman sighed sadly, biting his lip softly. His boyfriend had been upset for almost a week now, over something that was going on with his parents, something to do with a divorce, and custody. Roman wanted to help him, but he didn't know what he could do.

"Ro, you do realise that he may have to move away, right?" Virgil spoke up from behind Patton, his hand in Patton's.

"Yeah. If his mum gets custody of him then yeah, he will have to." Roman sighed sadly. "But I want him to be happy, and if that happens to be with his mum, then we can try and make it work."

Logan lay awake listening to their conversation. He hadn't told them he was leaving, that his mum had already got custody over him. The case had been closed, a week ago. He had been sad because he was leaving everything he knew behind, and he didn't know how to tell the people he loved. He wasn't planning on letting them know. He wanted to leave, and let them get over him faster. He didn't want to drag it out, or upset Roman by telling him. It was best if they broke up.


Logan sighed, and looked at his empty bedroom. Everything had been packed up. Last night he had given Roman the last thing he had left out. A small statue of a Disney Prince. He'd fought back the tears the entire way home, and he felt guilty not telling Roman, he just hoped Roman stayed away long enough for him to leave.

He held the small note in his hand, and walked to the front door, where his mum was packing up the last of his things into the car.


"Yes dear?" She turned to him, after shutting the boot, a small smile resting on her face.

"Can we stop by Roman's, I have to drop this off?" She nodded, and they got into the car.

Logan requested she parked further away from Roman's house, so he wouldn't recognise the car, and come running. He sighed shakily, and almost walked away. He pushed the note into the letterbox, and walked away, climbed into the car, and let his mum drive away, all the while, he fought back any tears he had threatening to spill.


Roman sighed and looked at the statue he had on his windowsill, the note sat next to it, unread. He knew what it said. He watched out of his window as Logan had walked up to his door, pushed the note in, and walked away. He watched as the car pulled off, and drove into the distance. He didn't try to stop Logan, he knew it was inevitable, and he couldn't do anything to stop him from leaving. His mum had the say in it, and it hurt.

"You have to read it." Patton spoke up from his bed.

"Why should I? It probably say that it's not my fault, he wishes he could have told me, he's sorry. That he loves me, but not to wait for him... It's the same as every other break up note. He's gone, and I won't see him again." Roman sighed, and looked out of the window.

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