[11] Stuffed Toy Au

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Can someone go through and count how many times they kissed because I think I overdid it. Haha.

Enjoy this long, fluffy, slightly rocky, messy relationship oneshot. Haha. Yeah. It turned out longer than expected.

T.W. Mild Homophobia, and Anxiety.

Logan sighed happily, and looked at his family sat around the table, the four of them eating breakfast. Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought that he would end up with a family like this, he always felt so alone in school, up until he met Roman. After meeting Roman, he knew life would change, but he wouldn't have thought it be for the better.


He sighed at looked at all the other kids in the classroom. They all had friends, and he didn't. He was stuck alone. The small weight in his hand reminded him of the only friend he truly had, even if it was a silly plush for kids, he didn't care. No one else wanted to be around him, so the plush was all he had.

"I would like you all to welcome him into our class, and be nice." The teacher droned on, giving the 'new kid' speech. "You can choose where to sit, sweety, but there are few seats left."

The new kid grinned, and almost bounded over to Logan, sitting himself in the seat next to him. Murmurs rippled around the class about 'the new kid sitting with the weird nerd.'

Logan sighed and ducked his head. It wasn't fair. Couldn't he just make one friend? He just wanted to be able to have someone there for him, instead of him having to confide in a stinkin' plush. Of course he loved his plush, but it only offered so much comfort. There were times where he needed a hug from a friend, and the plush was so small he couldn't exactly cuddle it properly.

"Hi." The kid next to him spoke, and he glanced over, pushing up his glasses, and tucking his plush away.

"Hello?" Logan frowned slightly, and took in the new kids appearance. His hair was a light brown, with purple in it. His face was angled, and his eyes were a striking blue, which captivated Logan immediately. He was wearing a red varsity type jacket, and a white shirt, paired with dark blue jeans, and red converse, Logan couldn't quite tell if they were red, but he guessed.

"I'm Roman." He grinned, ignoring the teacher droning on in the background.

"Logan." Logan nodded curtly, and sent him a small smile.

"Say, do you eat lunch alone?"


Roman smiled, and turned his attention to the teacher, leaving Logan feeling rather confused. His hand slid into his pocket, and he gripped his tiger, hoping it helped relieve some of the confusion, and slight frustration, about the male next to him.

By the time lunch rolled around, Logan hadn't seen Roman again, and he was getting to be really annoyed with him over what he had said to him in the classroom. What did he mean? Why did he want to know?

Logan wasn't one for neglecting his school work, but he was really confused and didn't know what to do.

"Logan." The familiar voice called from behind him, causing him to turn around, and smile curtley, yet inside, he was screaming. Couldn't he just go away? Make friends with people who are better than him.

"Yes?" Logan suppressed a sigh, and he looked at the male running up to him.

"Can I join you?" Logan had to admit, he was cute, but that didn't make him like him anymore. Something about him radiated arrogance, and that he would end up being a jerk.

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