[38] You Look Good?

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Logan wasn't one for complimenting his boyfriend, so when he did compliment Roman, it often came out as more of a question. Not that he wanted it to, it just did because he was so unsure of what to say.

He didn't want to offend Roman, but he didn't want to make Roman feel bad for him having not said anything. Which is where they stood right then.

Roman was dressed in a deep red suit that hugged his figure just nicely and made Logan's breath catch in his throat.

"You look... you look... Uh... You look g-ood?" Logan managed out, staring at Roman.

"You don't sound so sure, dear," Roman laughed, clearly teasing.

Logan's cheeks turned a deep red, matching Roman's suit and he looked away, mumbling about how incorrigible Roman was.

"But thank you, you look pretty good too."

Roman had stepped forward, cupping Logan's cheek and tilting his head up, causing their gazes to meet.

"Can I kiss you?" Roman murmured, smiling softly.

Logan nodded and scanned his face, smiling weakly as their lips met in a soft kiss.

They soon parted and went out on their date, both unable to stop smiling until they fell asleep, Logan with a new band on his left ring finger.

210 words

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