[10] Before The Noise Of The World...

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Roman sighed and looked at his sleeping boyfriend. The past week had been torture for them both. Thomas was working overtime, causing Logan to spend more time managing time, and Roman had to think up more and more new ideas, leaving them both busy, and too tired to even consider spending time together.

Last night was the first time they'd actually seen each other all week, and it wasn't fun, considering they had wanted to go out for a meal, and come back, watch a movie, and then actually talk about random things they hadn't spoken about over dinner, but by the time their allotted time rolled around, neither could keep their eyes open, and they practically fell asleep before their head hit the pillow.

Admittedly, it was some of the best sleep they had experienced all week, having just cuddled all night, and enjoyed having the other's company. But it wasn't what they wanted.

Logan soon groaned, and rolled over, his eyes opening, and settling on his boyfriend's blurry figure.

"You're fuzzy." Logan sighed, and rolled onto his back, knowing he needed his glasses, yet made no move to reach for them.

"You're not." Roman smiled, and reached over to cup Logan's cheek, tilting his head towards him.

"You're a moron."

"I'm your moron."

"That you are." Logan smiled fondly, and leaned into Roman's hand. "And I hate to admit that I love you."

Roman smiled, and pressed a gentle kiss to Logan's lips, which caused Logan to respond immediately.

Their lips moved together, taking in more about the other, much like every other time they kissed. Before long, Logan was pinned beneath Roman's frame, yet their kiss never escalated.

Logan pulled away, and leaned back against the pillow, breathing out softly. "You never fail to take my breath away." He smiled, and wrapped his arms around Roman's shoulders.

"I do my best." Roman grinned cheekily, and peppered kisses all over Logan's face, before reaching over and grabbing Logan's glasses for him.

Logan slid them on, and smiled wider. "Ah, there's my beautiful boyfriend."

Roman flushed, and climbed off Logan.

"You're the beautiful one." He muttered, hiding his face in the pillow.

"I disagree." Logan smiled, and pressed a kiss to Roman's cheek. "But, I love you anyway, no matter how much I disagree with you."

"I love you too." Roman smiled, flush still prominent, yet he kissed Logan anyway. Pulling him closer, the two conveying their love through the kiss.

A knock at the door pulled them apart.

"Patton says breakfast is ready." Virgil called through, making Roman and Logan smile weakly. They both knew the darker side would do anything for his boyfriend.

"We will be there in a minute." Roman called back, hearing a muffled 'okay' before the retreat of footsteps.

Roman pressed multiple quick, soft kisses to Logan's lips, not making any move to leave the room.

Logan soon complained about being hungry, causing them to have to leave the room.

They made sure to spare time for one another, especially when things got to be hectic, but above all else, they made sure to spend mornings together, because they both cherished the quiet time they had together before the noise of the world split them up, making it impossible to see one another. But, as long as they could always come back to each other, they didn't care, for their love pushed them through the hard times.

573 words

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Take care

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