[7] Damage Au

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T.W. Possibly? (I don't remember but it ends fluffy (: )

Logan sighed to himself, as he watched the male across from him, the two had decided to sit and eat lunch together, and work on their homework, as opposed to Roman going to the theater room to work on his lines for the upcoming production, and Logan sitting alone in the library.

"As your best friend it is my duty to help you when it comes to guy troubles, now, who is this magnificent male you are infatuated with?" Roman asked, using his usual dramatics, trying to get Logan to spill any information about the guy he liked.

In all honesty, Logan had begun to like his best friend, and infatuated wasn't the right word to use. He had begun to fall in love with the dramatic, theater club president, who prioritised his friends above all else, other than love, possibly, but there was no way that Logan was going to tell Roman that he liked him.

"Well," Logan replied after a moments thought. "He is kind, brave, generous, extravagant, and an idiot, but he puts his friends above all else." Everything Logan had explained was something someone had called Roman at one point or another, and it came as a shock to him that he didn't pick up on it sooner.

"Virgil? You like Virgil? As in Patton's, the VP of the theater club's, boyfriend?"

"I..." Logan was cut short by the bell ringing overhead, meaning Roman thought he liked Virgil.


The following few weeks were torture for Logan. Roman would constantly ask him questions about his 'crush' on Virgil, and wouldn't let Logan explain that it wasn't Virgil he liked. It didn't take long for Logan to snap, and he knew it wouldn't be pretty when he did.

That day came all too soon, and it surprised them both, since it seemed to have been a pretty decent day.

"Would you shut up about Virgil!" Logan found himself snapping, it wasn't that he was ungrateful, but he couldn't help but reach his limit with his idiot best friend, whom he had fallen for.

"I was just trying to save you the hassle of going through trying to kick-start a relationship by yourself."

"I do not need 'saving', much less by you. You have done enough damage, do you not think?" Logan hissed at the male in front of him, words dripping with venom. "I have had enough of whatever this game is that you are playing. Until you know what you are doing, I am done with whatever this is." Logan turned away, and walked off, giving himself no room to change his mind.

If he didn't like him, why didn't he just say it? He thought it was obvious! How could he have been so stupid as to think Roman would have picked up on the signs that it was him? Of course he didn't outright say it was Roman that he liked, but Virgil? The guy that had been dating the theater's VP for the past year? As if Logan was going to like him! There wasn't anything wrong with him, but he was not Logan's 'type', nor would he have asked Virgil to leave Patton, even if he was who he liked. He was going to be the laughing stock of the Theater Club. 'The guy who likes other guys boyfriend's'.

He hung his head in shame, and locked himself in the boy's toilets. He'd never live it down, and on top of that, it was possible he'd lost his best friend!

He was so lost in his downward spiral of thoughts, he didn't hear anyone come into the toilets until they knocked on his door.

"Logan?" Patton's voice filtered through the door. Of course Roman would have gone to Patton to try and help sort things out, but knowing it was Patton coming to talk to him made the entire thing worse. He didn't want to face any of them. Patton, Virgil, or Roman. They were all a part of this thing Roman had set up, and he didn't know how much more he could take of being around them before he snapped.

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