[39] Cuddly

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Two quick things before you start reading.
1) happy birthday to the wonderful and amazing nexngrxvestxne I love you so much, and I know I said this to you earlier, but I hope today is great, and that you have a good birthday. 💚💜
2) thank you to FandomsUnited_Always for the prompt for this, I know it's short, but it was probably all I would be able to do with most of the prompts and the limited time I have available today. But yeah, so, thank you and I love you!!


It wasn't something Roman minded, not really. His boyfriend was cute, and the fact that he wanted to constantly be close to Roman meant that he was doing something right in the relationship. Only, he had to go and open his mouth and mess it all up.

They were watching a documentary, which Roman hadn't been paying attention to at all, he didn't even remember the title. His sole focus was on Logan, cuddled up to his side. Roman definitely didn't mind in the slightest, he just thought it was slightly odd that the logical side was so focused on affection with Roman.

If they were eating, Logan would reach out for Roman's hand, or move his chair slightly closer to him, trying to have some sort of physical contact. When they watched movies, Logan curled up into Roman's side and stayed there for the duration. When Roman was doing a mundane task, such as the dishes, or cooking, Logan would always be there, sat next to him, or with his arms around Roman's waist.

Roman glanced back at the tv, not understanding what was going on at all, before looking back at Logan, smiling to himself. He did want to confront Logan about his cuddliness, but he really couldn't bring himself to disturb the peace.

Logan looked up at him and caught his gaze, smiling softly and resting a hand on Roman's chest, partially to be closer to him, and partially so he could push himself up and kiss Roman briefly.

Roman melted into the kiss and held Logan closer, not wanting to let him go at all. He pouted as Logan pulled away and turned back to the documentary, knowing he couldn't see Roman's pout, yet it didn't stop him.

"Watch the documentary, Roman."

"But it's boring! You're way prettier and more entertaining than a documentary."

Logan laughed and blushed, burying his face in Roman's chest, successfully distracted.

"And anyway, you give good cuddles and I like spending the time with you, not with a documentary."

Logan rolled his eyes and kissed Roman's cheek before turning back to the tv.

"Why are you so cuddly? I mean, you hate when anyone else so much as gets into your personal bubble."

"Because this is different. I initiate it, I have more control over this. When Patton just launches himself at me, he restricts my movements and makes me uncomfortable. This way, I can be as close to you as I want. Plus I really enjoy your company."

Roman nodded and fell silent, not really sure what else to say.

"I can stop if you'd like."

"No. Not at all. I enjoy this, I just never bought of it being your thing is all."

Logan shrugged and moved slightly closer to Roman, barely watching what was playing in the background and feeling himself drift off.

"I love you, Logan."

"Mm, love you too, Roman."

Roman smiled and ran his fingers through Logan's hair, watching him as he slept, not taking long to fall asleep himself.

505 words

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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