[35] Logan Hated Feelings...

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Fandomz_Fangirl it's not what you asked for but I did a Logince that I'm proud of so... there you go!

T.W. Mentions of Anxiety and mostly just Clueless Logan(TM).

Logan hated feelings. Despised them. But that damn Prince had to go and make him feel things. Things he didn't understand, and if there was one thing he hated more than feelings, it was not understanding things. Putting them together was like asking Virgil to not be anxious, Logan just couldn't help but shut down and become even more confused than he'd like to be.

He stared at the wall across from him, how was he supposed to understand something he claimed not to have. If he went and asked for help, he'd be admitting defeat, and who was he supposed to go to with something like this? Patton, who would screech and not be of any use? Virgil, who would probably be just as confused about it, since he'd somehow ended up with Patton and said on multiple occasions, he had no idea how he ended up with him? Deceit, who wouldn't be able to be honest, and then be just as confused about emotions as Virgil? Or Roman, who would pester him and ask him who he liked, only to laugh as Logan shut down, feeling too confused to function?

None of the sides seemed ideal, but there were two people who were probably much easier to talk to, not that he wanted ease, he wanted pure honesty. His wants and needs ruled out three of the four people, leaving just one. Patton would use too much flowery language and Logan wouldn't understand, Virgil would probably just contradict himself, leading to much more confusion on Logan's end and anxiety on Virgil's. Deceit wouldn't be honest, and even if he was, Logan would probably get confused halfway through. Leaving Roman.

Roman who he had developed icky emotions towards, who he was asking to be serious for a few minutes, just to answer questions, who he was risking losing his serious demeanour around, just because he felt things that were less than ideal. Roman wasn't a bad guy, not by any means, but Logan was less than pleased at having to go and talk to him about how he felt, and the fact that he felt at all.

Which is how he found himself staring at the wall of the Prince's room, taking in everything about his personality just by staring at the one spot on the wall. Almost all of the room was full of vibrant colours, walls painted a faint gold, covered with posters galore, and shelving units with books and movies and whatever else roman could cram onto them, while this one spot was a plain cream, with nothing covering it, nothing makes it stand out, other than the clear lack of paint on it.

He was vaguely aware of the royal facet being sat next to him, but he didn't care, he was too focused on the wall, trying to clear his mind and focus on what he came to talk to him about. He guessed that was what the wall was for. So Roman could distract his mind for a while, using it to help him combat some of his overwhelming, and underwhelming, thoughts. It was a good idea, really, Logan could see the purpose in it, and after staring at it for just a short while, it had really helped Logan find the words he needed to use.

"Contrary to popular belief, I do in fact feel emotions," Logan paused, glancing to Roman for a brief moment. "In fact, these emotions are more of a hindrance than a benefit, and I was hoping you would be able to answer some questions for me. If not, that is quite alright, I just found that you would be the most preferable to ask since you would more than likely help me understand things more."

"I'm not the best suited to ask emotional questions to. Romantic, maybe I could help with, but emotional in general? Sorry, Lo, I'm not the person you need for that," Roman reached over and placed a hand on his thigh, causing Logan to turn to him. Roman sent him a small smile and squeezed his thigh slightly, before pushing himself up off the bed and going to walk out of his room, turning back to Logan. "Sorry I can't be more help."

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