[36] Love Alone Au

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Edit: the song is up at the top alongside the picture, in case any of yall wanna listen to it 

Fandomz_Fangirl The Other half of the game thingy oneshot stuff... So... Yeah, Hope it's good enough and not too similar but still caters to the plot line. I think the song works, so... Yeah.

Definitely, give the song a listen, it's worth it, I promise. I didn't intend on finding it, but I'm glad I did.

T.W. Possible Anxiety, that's about it I think.

Roman was hopelessly in love. Sure, he flirted around, he was popular and both girls, guys, and non-binary folk wanted to date him. But that didn't mean he was going to let them in. He had his heart set on one specific person, and he wasn't really sure how he'd get them to notice him. As the most popular theatre geek in the school, Roman made it his duty to live up to his surname and be the Prince everyone needed. Sure, it wasn't much, but it made him feel better about making others smile.

Sometimes, it went a bit too far, and he was highly uncomfortable with it all, but as long as they smiled and he wasn't too bad, he was okay. There were girls who wanted his help running lines, just so they could practice a kissing scene (he's not rumoured to be the best kisser in the school for nothing). Guys asked him to help them in the gym, for motivational purposes only (Like Roman believed that, all the guys were gay for him... Or at least it seemed that way.) The Non-binary folk just seemed to want his help with art or music, because like the typically right-brained-creative male he was, why wouldn't he excel at those areas too?

The truth about it all was, Roman did it to distract himself from the way he felt. If he could stop thinking about the cute smile, or the way his crush's eyebrows furrowed together when they couldn't understand something, or when they seemed to be unable to get their words out when someone asked them a particularly personal question, then maybe he would be able to truly focus on the things he was supposed to focus on. The school was a drag, sure, but as someone with a fairly large circle of friends, he was always entertained.

His heart cried out during the day, needing someone to show him the love he needed. He hated feeling so romantically alone. Sure, he could have anyone in the entire school, and his disaster-pan-heart knew that, but that didn't mean he was going to just go for anyone. He wanted someone who would care for him in the right ways, make him feel loved and cared for. He wanted someone who didn't care about conforming to society. Roman just wanted someone he could love and get just as much love in return. He wasn't sure that he'd ever find it though since the person he was attracted to seemed to pay him no mind, and that hurt more than Roman would ever admit.

After another particularly boring math class, Roman found himself staring at the bulletin board outside the main office, barely paying attention to what was on there, yet still not making a move to leave. He didn't want to face his friends, they were too loud, and he wasn't sure that he could even find the words to say what he needed to say. He'd been much too distracted with the person in math who seemed to know everything and not enough.

"Am I right in guessing that you will be trying out for the talent show?" A monotonous voice spoke from by his side, and it took all he had in him not to turn around and punch the person by his side.

"I was planning on it, however, if I find the right song is a completely different story." He sighed and scanned over the poster advertising the third talent show for their school. "Are you taking part in any of it?"

"I am required to be on the committee to choosing people to "win" it, if I don't, I'll fail my senior year due to not having the correct credits."

"That's rough."

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