[32] The Geek and The Tech Au

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I really really liked writing this, so a huge thank you to Fandomz_Fangirl actually finalising the idea and for telling me to use it. It had me really going and it was really cute. So, without further ado, please enjoy the oneshot!

As a theatre tech, Logan gets to see a lot of action, from running lines to practising moves, to kissing, but what he doesn't get to see a lot of is outside. He'll spend most of his time working the lights, helping the theatre kids running lines or talking to his best friend, pining over that one theatre kid who never seems to ask for help.

He was pretty sure he was getting to be annoying at this point, but his best friend didn't seem to care. As someone who went through his fair share of pining over a guy, Virgil knew how to help Logan. Well, not so much help, but more point him in the right direction, which was actually talking to the damn guy.

Logan was sat backstage with his best friend, trying to come up with a way to deal with the never-ending emotions he felt for the main actor of the plays. He didn't want to talk to him, not when there was a huge possibility of him being straight, because what straight guy with a huge ego would audition for the role of a gay prince? Practically every straight guy in the school, just to get the attention from the girls for "how brave they are for going for the role" or "what if they had to kiss a guy, wouldn't that change everything?" Either way, Logan was almost completely convinced that he was straight.

Virgil was trying to convince him that he was wrong, that Roman was gay. Because to everyone who wasn't Logan, he was the gayest kid there was in the school. He was flamboyant, extravagant, and he often talked about how he would kiss Brendon Urie if he got the chance. However, these points did nothing to sway Logan's opinion, because who wouldn't kiss Brendon Urie? He was an attractive guy. Of course, that was just Logan's gayness shining through.

"Oh, and not to mention, he is the biggest flirt in the entire school. He has girls practically dropping at his feet, begging him to make out with them and show them off to the entire school, because 'oh my god it's Roman, he's so damn amazing.'" Logan's words got more and harsher as he spoke. Not because he hated who he was talking about, clearly, he was just frustrated at the fact that he couldn't get a damn guy's number. He was so cute, yet Logan was just too much of a disaster!

"Lo, buddy, don't you think you're taking this a bit too far, this could all be resolved if you just talk to him. You remember what you told me in regards to Patton?"

"He's a person, with feelings, and if they like you back, then it's great, if not, then you might just have made a new friend?" Logan sighed. He was pretty decent when it came to dishing out advice, but when it came to taking it, he was not so good. It wasn't that he couldn't follow it, it was more that he was having trouble accepting other people's 'words of wisdom'. He had a hard time accepting himself and his own emotions, so why would he just jump at the chance that what someone else said was true?

"Exactly, and look where that got me!" Virgil smiled, his smile only widening the more he thought of his datemate. Logan had to admit, they were adorable together, and he was so glad he was able to help his friend become that happy, but the more he thought about it, the easier it was for them. Patton was this fun-loving, happy-go-lucky guy, with loads of love to go around, was openly panromantic, and happened to express an interest in Virgil from the start. When had Roman ever shown an interest in Logan? NEVER!

"Okay, but, the difference between you and your significant other is that Patton had been into you from the start. They'd gone out of their way to talk to you, to make sure you were okay and to keep you company whilst I was running sound or something ridiculous for these overprivileged pretentious kids." Logan huffed. "When has Roman ever shown an ounce of interest in me? He's always out there running lines or mouthing off to some other actor who messed up their lines because they don't have all the time in the world to learn their lines whereas Roman seems to know his from the start!"

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