[15] Head in the Clouds

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Roman grinned at his best friend, and listened to his conversation with his boyfriend. Roman didn't mind that they were talking without him. He liked to listen to their differing opinions, and at the end of it all, they were cute, and he was happy for his best friend.

"Roman?" Patton turned to him, and he smiled, not caring about being pulled from his thoughts.

"What's up?"

"What do you think?"

"About what?" Roman frowned slightly, and realised he had missed over half of the conversation due to him being so lost in thought.

"What do you think of the new kid, Logan?"

"Oh him." Roman grimaced and sighed. "I'm sure he's nice enough but he's so... Obnoxious."

"Coming from you." Virgil rolled his eyes, and smiled fondly at his friend.

"Look, he seems nice, I just can't seem to understand why he is such a know it all, he annoys me because he's constantly correcting people, and I just want to get through one class where he isn't correcting some mistake."

Patton sent him a smile, and glanced behind him.

Roman went back to thinking, and was too lost in thought that he didn't realise when someone sat next to him.

"Can you please move." They asked him.

"I can." Roman rolled his eyes, yet made no effort to move.

"Roman." Patton glanced at the person next to him, and he sighed, moving down a seat so they had room.

"That is not what I meant, but thank you."

Roman looked at who was sat there, and he sighed. "I'll see you guys around." He got up, and put his bag on his back, and walked out of the cafeteria.

He sighed, and ran a hand through his hair. It wasn't that he didn't like Logan, not by a long shot, but he'd been in the school for two days now, and he just slot into everything perfectly, not to mention how visually appealing he was, but that didn't make it any easier.

He seemed to think logic was the answer to everything, but Roman couldn't seem to understand what he was talking about half the time, or how it even related to what was being said.

He stopped when he felt a hand on his wrist, and he turned to see Virgil. Said male was fidgeting, and fiddling with his hoodie strings.

"Are you okay?" Roman frowned, sensing Virgil was anxious.

"I uh... Yeah, but I... As you know, Patton wants all his friends to get along, and he wanted me to bring you back, but I won't force you because I know it's not always fair, and there must have been a reason for you to have left, and I'm sorry... I rambled."

"It's okay." Roman smiled fondly, and opened his arms, asking for a hug, one which Virgil grately appreciated. "I don't wish to come back, not now, but I will see you at the park later, okay?"

Virgil nodded and smiled, appreciating his friend. "See you." Virgil smiled and walked off, Roman watching him go.

Roman sighed and made his way to class, hoping that Patton didn't somehow rope Logan into meeting them at the park.


Roman sighed and made his way to the park. He spent his last class alone, and it wasn't fun, especially since he didn't understand it at all.

"Roman!" Virgil jogged to catch up with him.

"Hm?" Roman hummed noncommittally, not paying much attention to the world around him, his mind off in la la land, and listening to the music playing through his headphones.

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