[25] I Won't Wait... Au

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The song is called "For You Forever" and I love it. It kind of inspired this oneshot, I suppose.

T.W. Insensitive Logan(?)

Logan looked at the male across the room from him, they were close friends, and dare Logan say, he was feeling rather smitten with him, but he didn't know if he wanted to really be with him. He knew he felt strongly for him, but a relationship sounded scary, and he didn't think he could manage one, especially not one with his best friend.

He sighed, and placed his notebook in his bag, not quite ready to face his friend just yet. The two had talked a lot the night before, and it brought up a fair few topics that shouldn't have arisen, including feelings. Logan admitted to feeling a certain way towards Roman, and Roman had the audacity to feel the same way. Logan didn't know how to react to that, so he didn't reply. He didn't talk to Roman all morning, and he'd gone out of his way to avoid him.

Logan looked up at the clock and frowned, the bell was due to ring in two minutes, and if he wasn't up and out of the classroom before Roman, he would be able to wait for him, and Logan would be forced into talking to him about the night prior.

He quickly and quietly shoved everything into his bag, standing and bolting out of the room as the bell rang, following a few people to the cafeteria. He scanned the crowd that was quickly thickening, and when he didn't see his friends, he made his way out of the back door, heading to the back of the school, where no one else went, where he wouldn't be bothered, and he would be able to be alone, with his thoughts.

He knew Roman would contact him, try to call him, and ask him why he had been so distant, but Logan didn't want to talk, he didn't want to explain, and most of all, he didn't want to listen to Roman's voice. The thing he fell most in love with, and he didn't know why.

Logan ran a hand through his hair, and sighed shakily, his back pressed against the rough brick wall. He didn't know how to go about this kind of thing, he'd never felt anything like this before, how was he supposed to make it work? Roman and he were nothing alike, they were almost too different, how would it work? He wanted it to work, but maybe their differences would go against them, and they wouldn't be able to make it work.

He was pulled from his downward spiral of thoughts by his phone ringing, and he sighed. Roman. He knew it was going to happen. He wanted to answer, more than anything, but answering would make everything resurface, and he'd confess to too much, it wasn't worth it, was it?

His thumb hovered over the accept button, and just as he was about to press it, the call ended, and Roman turned around the corner.

He wanted to run, to escape the situation, to get away, but something stopped him, and as his eyes met Roman's deep brown ones, the eyes that were filled with worry, and concern, the eyes that had dark bags beneath them due to a lack of sleep, Logan found his heart lurch, and he wanted nothing more than to be in Roman's arms.

"Why? I risked so much by telling you last night. You confessed first! Then... Then you don't reply, and did I do something wrong?" Logan watched Roman's eyes fill with tears, and he guessed it wasn't the first time it had happened in the last twelve hours.

"I..." Logan wanted to apologise, to tell him he didn't mean to upset him, that he loved him too much, but he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to say anything. He felt guilty, and he wanted to cry, he wanted to break, but he knew he wouldn't leave if he did. "I am sorry..."

"Sorry? Sorry doesn't fix the fact that I poured my heart out to you, only to be left on read! Logan, I love you, and I want to wait... But if you only said it as a mean joke, I won't wait. Maybe when you realise how cruel you were, you'll want me, and I'll be happy with someone else, because you aren't worth my time." Roman's words dripped venom, and Logan knew there was no ill intention behind them, but it didn't stop them from hurting. Both males knew they liked the other too much to let one another go, but they had to, for each other's sake.

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