[4] My Prince Au

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Logan looked at the city below. It was moments like these that made him forget about everything that was going on in his life. He forgot about his duties, his parents, his upcoming birthday, and more. He relished the moments he was able to spend alone, wondering what his future significant other would be like. He knew what his father wanted of him, but he didn't think he could go through with it. He just didn't swing that way, much to his mothers dislike. It's not like he chose to like guys, it just happened.

"Mother?" Logan walked up to his mother, who was sat atop her throne, a book in her hands. Logan had a similar book in his hands, however, this one, he was able to get lost in. It was a world he would never get to enjoy outside of his imagination.

"Yes, Logan?" His mother put her bookmark in the book, and she placed it delicately in her lap. Only when she was sure the book had been placed gently enough, and it was unable to be creased, did she look at her son.

"Why is it that the prince never gets the man he loves?" Logan was 14, but he understood everything going on in the book. He knew who he was, he knew he didn't want a princess to marry, he'd rather a prince that he could love and care for himself.

"A prince should marry a princess. It is the way it has always been, and it will not change now."

"What if I do not wish to marry a princess?"

"You cannot marry one of the common folk."

"No. I do not mean them, although I am sure it would not be a bad thing, I would rather have a prince to marry."

"You are marrying a princess and that is final."

Logan adored his mother, but he hated that she couldn't see that he was unhappy living a lie. He wanted to find a love that he could be with until he passed the crown to his son or daughter. He did not care about rules when it came to ruling the country. He knew he had to do what was best for him and the country, his parents should not have a say in the matter.

He looked up at the sky above him, with the stars stretching as far as he could see, and further. He felt calm, and he knew he wanted that moment to last forever. He was surrounded by glass, and the sky, with no reason to think about anything else.

"What are you doing up here?" A voice sounded from behind him, causing him to spin around suddenly. As his eyes landed on the mysterious person, he could have sworn his heart skipped a beat, and his jaw hit the floor. In front of him stood a man in a white shirt, uncommon to the city Logan lived near, the shirt was accompanied by red trousers, and a pair of brown boots. Not to mention how visually appealing he was. Logan knew he was staring, but he couldn't help it, the deep brown eyes in front of him captivated him, and he wasn't ready to lose the handsome stranger.

"I apologise." Logan found his voice. "I did not realise I was intruding." He didn't know what else to say. He hadn't ever really interacted wit the people from the village, although he'd wanted to since they'd seemed nice when he'd seen the few that had visited the castle.

"I don't have a problem with it, but what are you doing here."

"I am stargazing, whilst simultaneously escaping my reality."

"You are the prince. You should not be here. If you get caught, you could be in so much trouble."

"As could you, you are talking to the prince after all."

"I'm Roman. I work the local bakery." The handsome stranger extended his hand, and a small smile adorned his features.

"Logan. I'm the prince who doesn't wish to be." Logan took Roman's hand in a firm grip and shook it. His hand was soft and warm, and Logan didn't want to let go.

After a few moments of silence, Logan pulled his hand back, awkwardly, and apologised. "I am sorry. Where are my manners? I have never met someone as breathtaking as you."

I'm the dim light, Logan couldn't tell if he'd made Roman blush, but he didn't care, all he cared about was the fact that he was talking to a commoner, and he has lost any regards for any rule he'd ever had growing up.

"Well, Logan, I must be off, but will I see you again?" Roman bought Logan back to the present, and sent him a charming smile, one that should only belong to the prince.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"You don't. You just have to hope." Roman grinned cheekily, and went to turn away, before he stopped. "I'll come back tomorrow. I hope to see you then. I can promise you that no one else will know of this."

Logan nodded slightly, and watched Roman leave. He wasn't sure what it was, but he hoped that the next 16 hours went by quickly, because he couldn't wait to see Roman again.

885 words

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