[6] My Prince (2) Au

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T.W. Homophobia (kinda)

"He must marry soon, otherwise he will either run away, or he will refuse what he must do for our country."

"He should not have to marry another country just to help us, he will be able to help us regardless of who he marries."

"He cannot marry a commoner, or a prince! It is wrong."

"Whoever he chooses to marry is fine by me."

"As his mother..."

"You should do right by him, the country should not matter."

"But as the queen..."

"Then the country concerns you, but if he wants to marry someone other than a princess, let him. He deserves to be happy."

Logan sighed and looked into the room at his parents. He didn't want them to argue, but he knew his dad would always back him, no matter what was going on. His dad had always been on his side, but his mother was always hard to persuade. She thought his dad was too soft on him. She thought he needed brought up with a more strict lifestyle, and he wasn't going to be a decent ruler if he wasn't taught the right way.

Logan hated the way his parents fought over the way he was to rule the country, it shouldn't concern them, he would only take over the throne when he was old enough, married, and they were incapable of ruling any longer.

"Good morning, mother, good morning, father." Logan walked into the room, he knew he didn't have to worry about his parents knowing about his hearing them, they didn't much care who heard them argue, be it over the country or their son, they were open about it all.

His parents acknowledged him, and the three sat in silence eating their breakfast. Logan's mind was filled with the small interaction he had with the male the previous night. He couldn't help but find himself feeling a new way when he thought about the male he met. Roman certainly was something.


That night Logan stepped out onto his balcony and felt the night breeze in his hair, and he smiled. His gaze trailed down to the town nearby. A smile lit up his face, and he knew where he was to go.

After the final light turned off in the castle, he climbed over the rail of the balcony, and climbed down the ivy, like he had countless times before. He sighed and ran across the castle grounds, towards the planetarium type place he went to most nights, where he hoped to see Roman again.

"Ah, you showed up. I was beginning to think I wouldn't see you again." The baker extended his hand for Logan to take, and Logan smiled, accepting the small amount of affection. He wasn't used to having other people around, so when he got some form of it, it made him happy.

"I apologise for being late. I have a fair ways to go, and I am not the most athletic."

"No, but you're still cute."

Logan felt his cheeks heat up, and he looked at the male in front of him.

"Why do you wish for me to be here?"

"I like you. Not for your title, but because you interest me."

"You speak as though you were a royal."

"It's an escape..." Roman looked down, and sighed. "The village isn't always fun, and the kids find little to do, so if I act as a royal, it entertains them, and I'm remembered, which helps with sales. Although, no one really has any money. The king seems to increase taxes all the time, and it's hard to afford anything."

"I did not know. I apologise, I would say I would do my best to fix it, but I cannot promise anything, my dad can be harsh with these things."

"It's okay, I know you're doing your best. But I don't want to talk about it. Please?"

"Okay." Logan smiled at the baker, and the two spent the rest of the evening talking about anything and everything, hoping things would work themselves out soon.

And if, they became a couple, and Logan stood up to his mother, to convince her to let him marry Roman, whose to know, they'd just have to wait for the royal wedding.

710 words

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Take care

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