[31] One Look Au

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One look

Their eyes met across the room and in that moment, Logan's heart lurched in his chest, trying to escape. He didn't think it was possible for someone to fall in love with someone as soon as their eyes met. He thought it was just the old cliche, like in a movie, or some teenage girl kind of thing, not that he could attest to that, he watched all of those kinds of movies, even after his sister moved out, and he had no real reason to watch them anymore.

His stupid hazel eyes pierced the room and Logan's soul. It was almost as if, with that single look, he'd taken in and learned everything there was to know about Logan. His stupid light brown fluffy hair made him want to reach out and touch it, made him want to have someone like that around. His stupid chiselled jawline and built figure made Logan swoon on the spot.

He never liked Roman that much, his eccentric attitude, over the top personality, and how he thought he was better than everyone else always made him turn away. He didn't want to be around someone like him. But in that moment. In that single look, Logan realised that maybe, just maybe, Roman wasn't as bad as he thought he was. Maybe, he'd be able to get to know this guy, and have him in his life.

Two hands

Logan reached for the pen, gasping as his hand brushed Roman's, blushing when Roman looked at him, and handed him the pen. He smiled and took the pen, jotting down ideas for their project, watching as Roman took the pen from him, making their fingers brush against one another's, before writing his own additions to the notes.

Logan always hated sitting in silence with people, he thought that he had to talk, that his words needed to be heard and he didn't see how silence solved anything. But sat with Roman, sharing the pen, talking through their notes, he realised that maybe the silence wasn't as bad as he thought and Roman was capable of being considerate of everyone around him.

A light tap on his hand made him look down. Romans hand was clenched into a fist and he used his other hand to show  flat hand, telling him to open his hand. Ashe did so, a paper ball, was dropped into his hand, explained with only a few words.

"Don't open it until later. When you're alone."

He savoured the moments when their hands touched, and when he finally looked at the note, his mind took him back to the slight hand brushes, shy smiles, and how utterly adorable Roman was. How he'd fallen too hard too fast.

Three nights

That weekend, Logan never thought it was possible to love someone more than he loved Roman. A three day weekend was what they'd been waiting for. A weekend where they got three days and three nights just to the two of them, just so they could mess about, joke around, and have fun with one another. Nothing serious, no school, no work, nothing that took their attention from one another.

They shared kisses, cuddled all night, and made so many meals, making a mess of the kitchen, but it not mattering because the room got filled with laughter when they messed up, or sought cheers when they'd succeeded at their dish. They stayed up late stargazing, talking about all the stars and constellations they knew, nothing important, just relishing in the other's company, listening to their voices, loving every minute of it.

And when they woke up half delirious, groggy and wanting to sleep for three more days, it didn't matter, because their nights had made up for everything. They'd just lay back and cuddle, talking about plans for the day, and never actually executing them, being too tired from the night before.

Four fights

"You can't just pretend this didn't happen!" Logan's words echoed off the walls of their apartment, anger flowing through them all. Sure, Roman had messed up, and Logan knew he was taking it too far, but it hurt, and he couldn't help but get angry! He messed up.

"Do I mean nothing to you?" Roman's hands were in his hair, trying to figure out how he went so wrong. Sure he was drunk, but that didn't make up for anything. Walking in on someone else in their bed. In their apartment. All whilst Logan was out of town. He messed up.

"You promised me." He could see the pain in Roman's eyes. He couldn't help it. He messed up. Time and time again, yet it never seemed to get any better. He messed up.

"I can't keep doing this. You either love me or you don't!" Romans words hit Logan like a truck and he had to walk away, trying to figure out a better way of fixing things between them. They were a mess. They messed up, but they loved one another, it should fix it, right?

Five broken promises

"I will deal with it. I promise." No you won't. Roman wanted to scream out. Knowing Logan wouldn't deal with it at all. He never did. But he let him say it because it made him feel better, for whatever reason. Even when they both knew it was a lie.

"He means nothing to me, I promise." Liar. Logan couldn't believe Roman would say something like that. Of course the guy meant something to him. It was his ex for crying out loud. He had to mean something. Maybe not much, but something.

"I promise I'll change." He couldn't change, neither of them could. And they wouldn't want to. They were together because they loved one another for who they were, and they didn't want each other to change.

"I promise I'll be there." A big event, Roman missed it again. He knew he was busy, but he missed every single event. It didn't matter his big or small, Roman just never showed, and it really annoyed Logan.

"You're my world. I promise." Fight after fight. Tear after tear. Constant stress of not being good enough, they weren't one another's worlds. They were one another's universes. And nothing could change that.

One kiss...

Roman leaned over, taking his lips in his own. Their lips moulding together, fitting together perfectly. They were made to be together. The weight and coolness of the bands on their left hands were fresh in their minds. The day had been perfect. Their friends and family came to see them. To see the rest of their lives begin.

Logan smiled softly as they parted. One kiss. Maybe their lives weren't perfect and maybe they had their issues, broken promises, heated fights, angered looks, but they grew together, and one kiss was going to bring them into the next step of their lives.

1151 words

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