[20] Explosions of Red and Blue

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T.W. Mentions a Panic Attack, and Dying Happily (Plus it's just so fluffy you might get cavities, but isn't that the best kind?)

Roman pinched the bridge of his nose, and sent a glare at Logan, who rolled his eyes at another one of Roman's suggestions. He thought they worked past this, that it was all okay, but it turned out that it was all empty promises, like everything else out of his mouth.

Roman couldn't help but admire everything about him, the way his eyes crinkled in false amusement when Roman suggested something, or the way his mouth hung open when he got called out on something. The way his hair stuck up, and glasses slid down his nose when he moved about too much.

He was smitten, and he didn't know what to do about it. Despite him being Romance as well as Creativity, he was at a loss for what to do about his crush on the Logical side. Not that he would return his feelings, and he was probably pining over nothing. Why did he even like Logan? It's not like he was anything truly spectacular, but in a way, he was.

He was smart, unintentionally funny, kind, caring, honest, and he went out of his way to make sure his fellow sides were okay. He calmed Virgil down from a panic attack, he helped Patton bake, and keep the Mind tidy, he patched Roman up after a battle, and made sure he rested enough. He kept tabs on their health, he made sure Thomas didn't do something stupid, and he was reasonable with everything.

Even if he drove them up the wall sometimes, he was there for them all, no matter what, and he had reason in everything he did, whether it made sense or not, it was there.

Logan was always on Roman's mind, no matter what he did. He came home so Logan didn't worry, even though he would deny the fact that he worried, he made sure to take care of himself, so Logan didn't work harder than he had to, he made sure he did his fair share of chores to help Logan. He even began to get along with Virgil for Logan, somewhat. Logan was sick of getting upset with him, and in the end, Roman wanted to get along with Virgil, not just to make him look better, but because Logan had a reason why he should. Logan showed him a lot of what he didn't know.

And when Logan smiled at him. That smile... The one that was small and hardly noticeable, but it was there. The one that made Roman's heart soar, and his stomach do flips. That made him flustered because, how can he look so perfect?

Roman adored when he saw Logan happy, the small twinkle in his eye, the slight curve upwards on his lips, the way he tried to hide how he was feeling, but ultimately failed. Logan showed a lot of emotion through his eyes, and Roman found himself enticed by it, he didn't want to miss any of his emotions, and he was determined that one day, he would be the reason Logan smiled, or got that glint in his eye. The one that showed up when he went on about something he loved, or when he was looking at the stars, or when he was reading.

There were times when Roman caught a flash of pain in Logan's eyes, when he heard one of the sides say something particularly hurtful, even if it was unintentional, and it made Roman yearn to help him.

He knew they had their differences, but that was what made Roman want him more. He wanted to counteract his smarts, and his seemingly emotionless exterior. He wanted to be the reason he smiled, and laughed, and had that glint in his eyes. He wanted to comfort Logan when he was sad or hurt. And most of all? Most of all, he wanted to kiss him good morning, and goodnight. Kiss him when he felt like it, or when he wanted attention. He wanted to be the clingy boyfriend he wanted to be, and to be able to just be with Logan, for no reason other than he loves him.

"Roman?" Logan frowned, and Roman turned his attention back to him, realising he hadn't listened to a word Logan had said at all. "Were you listening to me?"

"No. I wasn't. I'm sorry."

"Why? Was what I was saying not important enough to listen to?"

"No, it isn't that."

"Then what?"

"I was distracted."



Roman found a small smile creeping up on his lips as he saw a faint dusting of pink coat Logan's cheeks, and he saw the way Logan refused to look at him. He knew that his lack of thinking before he spoke could have ruined his friendship with Logan, but when he saw how shocked Logan looked, how cute he looked, he realised it was worth it. It was worth seeing him flustered and silenced. It was worth seeing how Logan didn't know what to do, and resorted to fiddling with his tie.

"I do not understand." He finally spoke, his eyes meeting Roman's, confusion flowing through the endless sea of brown.

"Let me show you." Roman's voice came out soft, yet confident. He inched closer to Logan, wrapping his arms around the logical sides waist, holding him close, their faces inches apart, yet neither made a move to close the gap.

Logan's hands had met Roman's chest, and soon moved to grip his sash, not sure what to do with himself.

"May I kiss you?" Roman murmured, his breath a ghost on Logan's lips. Logan nodded numbly, not sure how else to respond.

Their lips collided in an explosion of red and dark blue. Where Roman was red, and Logan was blue, their lips were a purple. In that moment, they shared more words than they ever had before.

Neither had ever felt anything quite as invigorating before. Roman couldn't help but feel his heart swell when he felt Logan respond positively to the kiss, something which he had been hoping for, for too long now.

When they finally parted, it took them both a few moments before they could open their eyes, and bring themselves back to reality. The reality in which they had just kissed, and their whole friendship was on the line.

"Roman..." Logan breathed out, scanning Roman's face, clearly finding what he needed to continue. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Helping me to understand what I have been needing to understand for so long."

"And what might that be?"

"That I have fallen head over heels for you."

Roman felt like he could die a happy man when he heard those words fall from Logan's mouth. Logan, The Logan, whom he had been crushing on for months now, had fallen head over heels for him, and returned his feelings, the feelings he was too scared to admit, out of fear of rejection, yet here they were.

"I'm glad, Specs, I'm glad."

"And why is that?"

"Because I have been head over heels for you, for a long time now, and I cannot express how happy I am to hear those words from you."

"Then, I guess, there are two things left to do."

Roman smiled and nodded. "If they are the same two things I have in mind, then yes."

"Roman, will you become my boyfriend?"

"Only if you become mine."

"Of course I will." Logan smiled, and his eyes lit up. "May I kiss you?"

"You may." Roman smiled, and let Logan close the gap between them both once more, letting the explosion of their colours mix, and for them to feel the love they had bottled up for too long.

From that day on, Roman was the reason Logan smiled, and laughed, he was the reason Logan blushed a deep shade of red, and he got to kiss Logan whenever he wanted. He got to admire everything about his boyfriend. He got to see the glint in his eyes when he was happy, and he got to protect him from any pain. He got to witness everything about his boyfriend, and he loved everything about it. But, more than that, he loved his boyfriend, and he vowed that nothing would stop that love between them.

1377 words

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