[18] That's a Promise.

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Logan sighed happily and looked out at the waves crashing against the rocks below him, the wind blowing through his hair. The sun was slowly setting, and he smiled, enjoying the changes in light.

He glanced back over his shoulder at his boyfriend and their friends, who were sat on the sand, talking. His boyfriend's laughter reached his ears, and he couldn't help but crack a small smile. It didn't matter what he did, he always made Logan smile.

He closed his eyes, and let everything overwhelm his senses. The wind in his hair, the salt from the sea on his tongue, the smell of a barbeque down the beach, the sea on the rocks, and the laughter from his friends. It was all so relaxing.

He felt a pair of arms snake around his waist, and he looked up, seeing his boyfriend smiling down at him.

"Hi." Logan smiled, leaning into Roman's arms, loving the way he seemed to fit perfectly.

"Hi." Roman pressed a kiss to his temple, and the two turned their attention back to the waves.

The next time they focused on anything was when their friends said they were going inside, due to it being cold and late. Neither Logan nor Roman much cared about the temperature or the time, they were happy to stand and watch the night sky, and feel how things were changing as the night life began.

"You don't have to stay..." Logan murmured. "You can go..."

"No. I won't leave your side. That's a promise I already made to you."

Logan smiled fondly, and looked up at his boyfriend. He turned around in his hold, and pulled him slightly closer, flicking his eyes down to Roman's lips.

"May I?" He asked, focusing Roman's attention on him once again.

"Yes." Roman smiled.

Logan closed the gap between them, and there they stayed, kissing as the moon rose, and their only plan was to stay in one another's embrace until they got to be too tired to stand, before they headed back to their rented house, where they would sleep until they felt rested enough to spend the day with their friends again, and talk about everything and nothing all over again.

370 words

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