[5] Book Shop Romance

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I changed it a bit, and made it pick up lines because I couldn't think of any romance novel lines.

"I have a challenge for you." Roman spoke, as he sat himself next to Logan on their sofa. The two weren't dating, but they might as well have been, they spent so much time together, and went out together. Most people mistook them for boyfriends.

They lived with their two best friends, and both had been trying to set them up for the longest time, because they were sick of their constant pining, and complaining when they knew the other wasn't around. Patton was the one to suggest the challenge to Roman, knowing he would take it up. Since Patton and Virgil knew they liked each other, the goal was for them to kiss, whoever caved first, lost.

"Alright?" Logan set down the book he was reading, and looked at the male sat next to him. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't even slightly smitten with him. His hair was perfect, his stance reflected his confidence, and Logan couldn't help but admire him. It didn't make much sense to him, especially because he was always more focused on logic.

"We have to go to a public place, and we have to say some pick up lines, and the first one to cave and, Patton said kiss, but I don't think it'd work, so the first to cave and leave or something, loses." Roman knew Logan wouldn't pass up the chance to show up Roman, so he knew he'd accept.

"Okay. Where are we going."

"A book store. Because there is plenty of inspiration there."


Roman walked away from Logan as soon as the door swung shut behind them, and Logan rolled his eyes. It was going to be a long afternoon.

As he looked around, Logan thought of a pick up line, that he was sure Roman wouldn't exactly understand, but it would be fun to use, nonetheless. He kept walking until he found Roman.

"You must be the square root of two, because I feel irrational around you."

Roman rolled his eyes, and watched Logan walk away. He would never admit it to him, but he had grown rather fond of the nerd, and he wanted to win the challenge, but he wasn't sure how.


"Your lips look lonely, do they want to meet mine?" Roman murmured in Logan's ear, causing him to shiver from the breath on his neck.

He rolled his eyes, and walked away from Roman, ignoring the feeling he got in the pit of his stomach from Roman being so close to him.


"Are you lost? Heaven is a long way from here." Logan wrapped his arms around Roman's waist, and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Funny, considering I'm no where near perfect." Roman removed Logan's arms, and walked away, leaving Logan to frown, and watch him walk away.


"Are you French? Because Eiffel for you." Roman took the book from Logan's hands and grinned innocently as he walked away, knowing it would aggravate Logan.

Logan groaned, and turned away, ignoring Roman's triumphant laugh.


"You remind me of a magnet, because you sure are attracting me over here!" Logan picked up one of the magnets from the kids play section in the store, and handed it to Roman, he knew Roman would start playing dirty, he always did, so it was only fair for Logan to try and do the same back.

"Har har." Roman looked at Logan, knowing he didn't mean it, and it was all for the challenge.


"Did it hurt?" Roman asked as he walked over to Logan.


"When you fell from Heaven, did it hurt?"

"Are you calling me Satan?"

"Well, it would explain why you're hot as hell." Roman grinned and walked away, knowing it would leave Logan unable to find words.


"My love for you is like dividing by zero. It's undefinable." Logan walked up and stood in front of Roman, making sure to make eye contact, and try to show him how much he actually meant to him. He figured it wouldn't work, but it would be worth the try.


"Kiss me if I'm wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?" Roman grinned at Logan, knowing it would never happen, but it would be fun to try.

Logan, having had enough of the shenanigans, pressed his lips to Roman's, knowing he would catch the regal male off guard, giving him the satisfaction of it, even if it meant he lost.

He pulled away before Roman could respond to the kiss. "Next time you start the sentence with 'Kiss me if I'm wrong...' prepare to be slapped." Logan smiled innocently and walked out of the store, leaving a dumbfounded Roman, and he was satisfied with how it turned out.


It was fair to say that the two started dating shortly after that, much to Patton and Virgil's relief, and they went to many more places, and gave each other multiple more challenges, and they all ended the same way. They'd end up kissing, and giving up, because heck, they loved one another, and why end it any other way?

852 words

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