[14] Five More Minutes

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Roman sighed happily, feeling Logan's lips against his own. If this was how he woke up every day, he would be the happiest male on Earth.

"Hm... Five more minutes" He groaned when Logan pulled away.

He heard a soft chuckle from his side, and before he could say anything about his boyfriend's laugh, he was hit by a pillow.

"Rude!" Roman sat up, and saw Logan about to swing it again. As the pillow came forward, he grabbed it from his boyfriend, and pulled him closer. Their lips brushing against one another's.

Roman closed the gap between them, after watching Logan's eyes flit down to his lips.

Logan gasped, and dropped the pillow, giving Roman a chance to toss it to the side, and pull his boyfriend closer.

Logan let out a small gasp at the sudden movement, but made no move to pull away, perfectly content to be in his boyfriend's lap, their lips moving together perfectly.

"Ro." Logan mumbled against his lips, smiling when Roman hummed in response. "I love you."

Roman's eyes opened, and looked up at Logan's. "I love you too." And then they were kissing again. Nothing too much, nothing rushed or urgent. Just a soft, loving, gentle kiss. One that said everything they needed to say.

By the time someone knocked on the door, and they parted, they were breathing heavily, and trying to talk without sounding like they'd run a marathon.

Maybe they would be interrupted every time they were alone, but what did it matter, they loved each other, and they would do anything to be able to spend time with each other, even if they were interrupted.

277 words

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