[9] Prove It

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Roman sighed and looked at the males in the room with him. His eyes never lingering on one for more than a few seconds. That was until Logan walked in.

Logan was the nerdiest kid in the school, and in all honesty, he was rather good looking too. Roman had been pining over him for the last few months, but he never worked up the courage to talk to him, let alone admit his feelings to him.

Virgil elbowed him in the ribs, and he sent him a glare. "What was that for?" He hissed, knowing fully well why Virgil elbowed him in the ribs, but it hurt, and he wasn't about to admit that he was staring at Logan, even if he was.

"Quit staring, he's going to get uncomfortable." Virgil hissed back.

Roman sighed, and looked down, ignoring the ache he got in his chest when Virgil leaned back into Patton.

"Quit being so lovey dovey." Roman sighed, and rest his hand in his chin, staring at the front of the classroom

Patton and Virgil shared concerned looks as they looked at Roman's defeated expression.

"Is this seat taken?" A slightly monotonous voice spoke, and Roman shook his head, not caring about who sat there. There was no one he really wanted to sit there, just as long as he didn't look like a complete loser who has no friends. Most people knew he was friends with Patton and Virgil, but more often than not, he would walk the hallways alone, and no one understood why.

"May I sit?" The voice spoke again, and Roman shrugged.

"Sure." The normally extravagant male wasn't happy, and Virgil and Patton didn't know what to do about it. They wanted to help, but what could they do?

Half way through the lesson, Roman asked to be excused, to use to bathroom, which concerned Patton and Virgil more. He never left the classroom.

Logan soon followed, and found Roman pacing alone in the bathroom.

"Are you alright?" He spoke up, causing Roman to stop, and flush. He was at a loss for words. His crush followed him, and asked him if he was okay.



"Then why ask?" Roman snapped, and looked at Logan, who seemed slightly hurt by his outburst. "Sorry." He muttered, looking away.

"I... I wanted to see if you would be honest. Why lie?"

"Because no one actually cares!"

"Patton and Virgil?"

"Too busy with one another.

"Your parents."

"Too busy with my sister. She's perfect."

"Your sister?"

"Too busy other people."



"I care."

"No you don't"

"You don't know that."

"Prove it."

Logan took a step closer to Roman, which pushed Roman backwards. The two continued this pattern until Roman was pressed against the wall, and Logan was in front of him.

"Kiss me." Logan muttered, and took the final step to Roman.


"Just do it."

Roman sighed and hesitantly placed his lips on Logan's, and the other male responded immediately.

The kiss was nothing more than a peck, but it caused Roman to rethink everything.

"I care. So does Patton and Virgil, and don't think otherwise. As your boyfriend, it is my duty to love you and protect you."


"Have you told them yet?"

"No. They still think I'm pining."

"They need to know."

"Not yet."

Roman smiled weakly, and pulled Logan in for another kiss, this one being longer. Maybe Roman wasn't fully happy, but with Logan by his side, he was sure to be okay in the end.

588 words

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