[17] I Hate You

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Roman sighed and looked at the recipe book again. Why wasn't it working? He had been trying to bake cookies for his boyfriend, knowing the types he liked, and usually, when Patton make them, they turned out somewhat decent. But Roman couldn't seem to get them to work.

Logan walked into the kitchen, and smiled when he saw his boyfriend. Roman had been busy all day, and Logan was feeling rather lonely. He walked over to him, and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Romeo, I miss you." Logan murmured, not caring about how needy he sounded, he just wanted to cuddle his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, love, I will be there soon." Roman sighed, and tried to get the consistency as it said it should be, yet it wasn't working.

"Do you need help?" Logan buried his face in Roman's shoulder, and smiled as he groaned, and nodded.

"Please." Roman sighed and dropped the crumbling dough into the bowl.

Logan stepped to the side, letting go of Roman, only for Roman to wrap his arms around Logan's waist, and press a kiss to his cheek.

"I need water." Logan murmured, a smile coating his face, and he looked at his boyfriend, silently asking him to get it for him.

Roman smiled and left, filling a cup with water. Logan smiled and watched his boyfriend. It was such a mundane task, yet Logan couldn't help but smile at his boyfriend, who seemed to make everything perfect.

Logan took the glass from Roman, and poured a little into the mix, and kneading the dough, hoping it worked out better that Roman's attempt had.



"I love you."

"I love you too." Logan was so focused on what he was doing, that he didn't notice when Roman reached for a handful of flour.



"Face me?" Logan rolled his eyes, and turned to face Roman, noticing his hand raised and the flour coating his fingers.

"Do not." Logan threatened, it was an empty threat, but telling him not to do something made him feel better.

Roman just grinned cheekily, and dropped the handful of flour onto Logan's head, it rained down and coated his t-shirt, making it more white than anything else.

"Roman, I hope you know how to run." Logan glared at his boyfriend, and picked up the bag of flour. "Or so help you." Logan held a smirk, and he watched as Roman's face dropped.

Roman took off running, nearly crashing into Virgil and Patton who were about to walk into the kitchen.

"I was about to ask what his problem was, but then I saw you, and now I know." Virgil rolled his eyes, laughing at Logan.

"Kiddo, you can't keep doing this every time you bake."

"I hate to break it to you, but this is all Roman's mess. He tried to bake cookies, and messed up, and when I tried to help, he covers me in flour. If you hadn't noticed, I did not chase him, and I was about to fix the dough."

Patton sighed. "Go and shower, I'll fix this."

Logan shrugged, and walked out of the kitchen, and watched Roman duck behind the sofa. "Romeo," he purred in his boyfriend's ear, as he draped himself over the back of the sofa. "Won't you come out and cuddle with me?"

"But you're covered in flour."

"After I've showered, you dunce." Logan sighed and mentally face-palmed.

"I don't trust you."

"Why ever not? I would never dump flour on your head."

"But you're a schemer, you'll do something else."

"I will not." Logan sighed and went to walk off, only to be stopped by Roman's arms around his waist.

"Don't leave." He whined, and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

Logan smiled and turned around in his boyfriend's arms, scanning his face, taking everything in. He pressed a soft kiss to his boyfriend's lips, grinning when he kissed back.


After the shower, Logan set about making some icing for a few of the cookies, and he mixed in some hot sauce with the orange icing, and made the design into a flame.

"Here, because you're so hot." Logan winked as he handed Roman the cookie. He watched with a smug smile as Roman took a bite out of the cookie, and immediately dropped it, rushing to get a glass of water.

When the fire on his tongue had died down, he turned to Logan, who was watching, amused.

"I hate you."

"I love you too."

Roman just sighed, and cuddled up against Logan, making a mental note not to dump flour on his head again, and with that, they fell asleep in one another's arms.

780 words

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