[12] Distracting Au

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T.W. Cavity Inducing Fluff

Logan smiled and leaned into Roman's touch. The fanciful male had his arms around Logan's middle, and Logan would be lying if he said he wasn't comfortable, and feeling rather protected. Logan's back was pressed against Roman's chest, and the two were listening to Virgil going on about some guy he liked, then again, neither were fully listening, especially since Roman kept pressing soft kisses to the side of Logan's face, which was highly distracting, but they were trying to listen, nonetheless.

Virgil was leaning against his and Logan's lockers, trying to get Patton's smile out of his head, but it didn't seem to be working. "He's just so perfect, y'know?" He spoke up, looking at his friends, who he knew weren't actually listening, but knowing he could rant to them made him feel better.

"I know what you mean." Roman spoke up, glancing at Virgil with a small, reassuring smile. "But trust me, if this kid is as amazing as you say he is, then I'm sure he wouldn't let you down too much, and if all else fails, become his friend and go from there."

"No one is completely perfect." Logan shot his boyfriend a pointed look, knowing he would try to disagree. "But, as Roman said, if he is as amazing as you are portraying, he seems to be a nice guy, and I am sure he would want to be your friend if nothing else." Logan hummed to himself, thinking through his next words. "I have seen him in a few classes, and he is a pleasant male, if need be, I can talk to him, we disagree on things a lot, but he is a nice person."

Logan smiled up at his boyfriend as Virgil began to go off about Patton again, and Roman couldn't help but press a soft kiss to his lips.

"Guys, please listen to me." Virgil almost whines, which made Roman and Logan pull apart quicker than they were planning.

"What's up, Virgil?" Patton walked over to him, and smiled, not noticing the way his cheeks lit up, but Logan did. Logan saw how much Virgil's mood shifted, and how his posture improved, and he was at a loss for words.

"Hello, Patton." Logan spoke, giving Virgil time to collect himself.

"Hey-a Logan." Patton grinned, and took in the arms around Logan's waist, and the fond smile on his boyfriend's face. "This must be Roman?" He asked, knowing fully well it was, but he didn't want to seem creepy.

"Yes, I am." Roman smiled, and pressed a kiss to Logan's temple, before extending his hand, ignoring Logan's small whine at the loss of contact. "Has he been talking about me?" He grinned when Logan groaned into his hand, and sighed.

"More than you'd think." Patton grinned, and shook Roman's hand. "I'm Patton." His bubbly personality shone through, and Roman found himself liking this male as a friend.

"I do not." Logan spoke up, his face a deep shade of red, one that could compete with Virgil's face when Patton showed up.

"But dear, I'm sure you do, since you love me so much."

"I sometimes wonder why I love you." Logan rolled his eyes, and turned around in his boyfriend's arms, feeling the grip tighten when he stilled, looking up at his boyfriend.

"Because I'm fabulous."

"You're something alright." Logan muttered, letting Roman press a kiss to his lips, leaving Virgil and Patton in an uncomfortable silence.

"Guys, please." Virgil managed out.

Logan smiled and pulled away from his boyfriend. "Later." He murmured, and sent a smile to Virgil, apologising.

Logan thought for a minute, and made a quick decision, before pulling Roman away, leaving Patton and Virgil alone, knowing it would make Virgil go on about how 'mean' he was at a later time, but he was sure it would work out, plus, they wouldn't feel uncomfortable if Roman and Logan started kissing again.

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