Chapter 5

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Cosette lead the crew down a dark, brick hallway. The only light came from candles that lined the walls. Sanji already knew where she was taking them so a guide really wasn't needed, but he knew Cosette would get in trouble if she wasn't the one leading the way. And Sanji did not want to be the cause of a girl getting into trouble, especially when said girl was an old friend.

"I can't express how thankful I am that you're still alive, Sanji-sama," Cosette said after a long period of silence. "When his majesty told the kingdom you had died... i just couldn't believe it."

"Bastard," Sanji muttered.

"What?" Cosette turned to Sanji, her eyes wide with shock.

"No, not you, Cosette-chan. I was talking about him,"  he assured. "He knew I wasn't died."

"Are you saying...?"

"That he faked my death..." Sanji thought carefully about his response before answering, "No... the Sanji he said that died... is dead. That said, Cosette-chan, could you drop the 'sama'? It's just Sanji. Not Prince. Not Lord. Not sama. Just Sanji. Or in Law's case, Black Leg... if you wish to call me by my Pirate name anyway... but that's entirely up to you."

"As you wish, Sanji-sa~ ...S-sanji."

"And no 'as you wish's' either. I am not a Royal bastard like the rest of them, so there is no need to say things like that to me."

"Maybe not, but you are a Royal-pain-in-the-ass," Zoro stated.

Sanji looked over his shoulder, "Nobody asked you, Merimo!"

"Here we are." Cosette stopped at the end of a long hallway of doors. "Sanjj, I presume that you already know which room is yours."

Sanji glared at the large set of doors at the end of the hall. Next to it hung a sign, a large yellow number three painted on it. "Tch."

"I'll take that as a yes." Cosette turned to the rest of the Straw Hats, "the girls' rooms are on the right, boys on the left. We only prepared enough rooms for the eight Straw Hats and Sanji-sama, I will ask the maids to prepare rooms for the two of you as well," she added turning to Carrot and Law." She looked back at Sanji's as if remembering something. "Your friend with the horns and funny coat that looks like it's made of clouds is already in his room."

Sanji tilted his head to the sighed, "What friend with horns and funny coat...? He trailed off as the left pocket of his jacket began to feel heavy. A faint pulsing sound coming from it. Realization slowly spread across his face. "AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!! WE FORGET ABOUT CAESAR!!!!!!" he yelled, both fists cleanched in his hair. "DAMN IT! I FORGOT TO GET HIM LUNCH TOO!"

"Who cares. Let that bastard starve to death," Zoro said.

"You listen here, stupid Moss Head! I am the cook of this crew! And as the cook it is my duty to make sure everyone on board is well fed! Weather they are friends, enemies, hostages, crew mates, allies, or just a stupid Merimo like you! So even though we all wish Caesar would just die, I am not going to have a guilty conscience because he died a slow painful death from starvation while he is our hostage! Do I make myself clear!"


"Not to mention we still need him alive," Law chimed in. "As long as he still has his sea prison stone handcuffs he should be fine. What I am most concerned about right now, however, is why did they bring him here when they brought Carrot to us?"

"They probably figured Carrot-chan was a friend of mine while Ceaser wasn't. Kind of obvious considering she wasn't handcuffed. I mean if you haven't noticed, their favorite pastime is 'find as many ways as possible to get under Sanji's skin'.... Well one of their favorite pass times anyway."

"Your brothers don't sound very nice," Luffy said, thinking about Ace and Sabo.

"They're the sons of Satan. What do you expect?"t

"Bro, you must really hate your family, to say something like that," Franky said.

"With every fiber in my body," Sanji replied through clenched teeth.

"Sanji-san, if you don't mind me asking, just what is it that they did to you to make you hate them so much?"

Sanji sighed, "come with me. It's time I've told you guys the whole truth."

"If you need anything I'll be in the kitchen, Sanji-sama," Cosette said as she began to leave.


She turned back to Sanji, "Forgive me, Sanji."

"It's fine, old habits die hard."

Once more she turned to leave before Sanji stopped her again, "Hey, Cosette-chan?"


"Would you mind taking Caesar some food? I may despise the guy but I really do feel guilty about forgetting about him at lunch today."

"Yes, Sanji."

When Cosette faded into the darkness, Sanji lead the crew, Law, and Carrot to the room at the end of the hall. He reach to open the doors but froze, he knew now was the time to tell the truth about his past and how he came meet Zeff, something that he was not mentally ready to do yet. He lit up a cigarette before opening the doors, as he tried to decide the best way to explain while at the same time push the memories out of his mind. He didn't want to have a break down, not now, not here where those three could walk in at any minute. His friends and allies following close behind as they crossed the threshold.

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