Chapter 21

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“All of you, put your raid suits on,” Judge said as he messed with some switches on the control panel of the machine.

Ichiji, Niji, Yonji, and Reiju did as they were told without question. Sanji however glared at Judge.

I don't get it. What the hell is he planning? Ugh! I can usually read people better than this! I don't understand! Think Sanji, think! He had to have drop some hints this entire time as to what he's planning and what this thing does!

“SANJI!” Judge hollered breaking Sanji out of his aggravated thoughts. “Raid suit! Or did you not keep it with you like I told you?”

“I’ve got it,” Sanji sighed reaching into his pocket.

“Good. Now stand on the platform,” Judge said walking out from behind the control panel.

Once again the siblings followed their father's orders, except Sanji.

“Sanji! We don't have time for your stalling! Get on the platform or the restaurant and your hands are going to be blown up!”

Sanji took a step closer to the platform. He lifted his foot to step up on to it but then stopped mid step, “You're not telling us what this does first?”

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

“Tch. Unlike them, I don't have to follow your orders. If you want me to get on this thing, tell me what it does first!”

“Stop your whining and do as you are told!” Yonji said, reaching down to pull Sanji on to the platform.

“I said no!” Sanji replied, turning around to step back down. “What the…? My foot… I can't….” He reached his hands out but they were stopped by nothing.

“Sanii stop messing around,” Ichiji said.

“I’m not! I know there's nothing her but I can't get down!”

“Don't be ridiculous!” Yonji said before throwing a punch at the air. His punch was stopped by what appeared to be a wall of green energy.

“What the hell?” Niji said throwing an electric engulfed fist at the air, which was stopped by more energy, this time blue.

“A force field?” Sanii said kicking at the invisible wall, which turned yellow where his foot had touched it and radiated out like Niji's electricity.

“What is this, Father?” Ichiji asked angrily.

“Dad, what are you doing?” Added Reiju.

“ANSWER THEM DAMN IT!” Sanji yelled as Judge walked over to mess with a few more buttons and switches on the control panel.

Sanji gasped as he slowly began to feel weak and feel to his knees. “What are you doing?” He groaned as Judge walked to the platform.

“I figured you would be the first to weaken, Sanji. Not surprising considering you have less enhancements then your siblings…. Reiju will probably be next.”

“What are you talking about, Dad?” Niji asked confused.

“I knew I could never give myself genetic enhancements, to alter an adults DNA, that impossible, so I decided to give them to my unborn children. They were going to rule over Germa and lead their own armies to conquer the North Blue…. We were going to rebuild the Germa empire! But then after you boys were born, I discovered that I could give myself genetic enhancements….” Judge began as he stepped onto the platform and walked to the center circle.

Realization spread across Sanji's face, “No!”

“That's right, Sanji. I could genetically modify myself by stealing the enhancements of my children! All of you are already starting to feel it…. Your powers slowly draining from your bodies.”

“Stop messing with us, Dad!” Yonji said.

“No kidding!”

“Niji, Yonji, he’s not. When has he ever been the type of man to tell a joke or pull a prank?” Sanji said, slowly forcing himself to stand up. “Out of all the things you've done…. Never in my life did I dream you’d do something like this…. This is pure evil, even for you. To think that you're so power hungry that you’d try stealing the powers that you gave us. The first time I used it, I questioned whether or not it was from your enhancements. But I let the thought go, chucking it up to my passion and need to save my friend. After all, how could something that helped me overcome my enemy to save Robin's life, have come from someone so cruel, cold hearted, and evil as you?”

“I’m not completely stealing them, Sanji. They'll slowly come back on their own… after this machine gets turned off. But until then it will continue drain your abilities and transfer them to me. I can't really say that I’m sorry to tell you, Sanji, that this machine was designed to take all you enhancements and not just some.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that, because you don't have all of your enhancements… this machine just might… kill you.”


“Exactly what I said. You don't have an exoskeleton. You still have all your emotions. You aren't obedient to my every order. All you have is fast healing and your fire. Because this machine was designed to take all of that it will drain your powers so fast that more than likely you will die. But I could really careless, you're far to useless to keep alive, even with what enhancements you do have~.”

“Wait… what about Reiju?” Yonji cut Judge off.

“Yeah, she still has emotions?” Niji added.

“That means she could die too,” Ichiji finished.

“Truth be told, all five of you could die. But I'm beginning to not care. You boys, on the other hand, are obviously starting to, aren't you.”

“Tch. Go to hell, Dad.” Ichiji said.

“I’ll be taking my leave now. I’ll be on an island conquering kingdoms if you need me…. Oh wait… you won't be able to get out of the force field to come find me.”

“Yeah and how are you able to get out?” Reiju asked.

“The force field is genetically link to the five of your DNA much like your Raid Suits. Your the only ones that can't get out of it. I, however, don't have to be standing on it to receive the enhancements, well not the whole time anyways.”

“Ass hole!” Sanji said as Judge headed for the door.


His evil plans have been set in motion. What will happen to the Vinsmoke siblings? Keep reading to find out!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Can't wait to hear what you thought!
I was going to flash to Luffy and the others but decided to wait til the next chapter.

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