Chapter 24

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"Chopper, Tra-guy! How are they doing? Is Sanji-kun any better?" Nami asked as Chopper and Law walked into Luffy's room.

"They're all really worn out. None of them can use their enhancements right now," Law replied as he walked over to the window where he had left Kikoku earlier that day.

"But I'm sure after a few days rest they'll be back to normal...." Chopper added.

"And by back to normal.... Y-you mean ruthless and evil?" Usopp stammered.

"More than likely, but I've never dealt with genetically enhanced human beings before," Chopper answered. "Well, Sanji... But he's the only one and I never knew it... so I can't really say that counts."

"Yes, this is new to the both of us. So it's hard to tell when they'll fully recover or if they'll fully recover. We can try to get some information from their science lab but there's no guarantee that will be helpful but it's worth a shot."

"We don't know where the lab is," Carrot pointed out.

"True, but we know five people who do, do we not?" Law replied.

"But will three of them be willing to tell us or allow the others two to tell us?" Nami asked.

"Of course we'll tell you."

They looked to the door to see all five of the Vinsmoke siblings standing there.


"Do you honestly think we're going to rest when we should be planning a way to stop our father?" Ichiji said walking into the room and slumping into a chair.

"You guys look horrible. Go back to bed, we can plan later," Robin said.

"No," Sanji said.

"WHAAAAAAAT?!" Chopper and Luffy hollered.

"SANJI JUST DENIED ROBINS WISH!" Usopp said, eyes wide and mouth hung open.

"We can rest on the Sunny, when we leave to catch up with Judge. Right now, we need to stock the ship with supplies and try to figure out where he went first," Sanji continued.

Nami walked up to Sanji. "He wouldn't deny my wishes," she said in a slightly high pitched seductive tone as she placed a hand on his chest. "Would you, Sanji-kun? Hmmm?"

"That's not fair. Being cute is cheating," Sanji replied.

"So will you go back to bed?"

"Nami-san, I~"

Nami cut him off with a kiss. "Please, for me? You really do look exhausted."

"First off," Zoro began, "WOULD THE TWO OF YOU GET A FRIGGIN ROOM! Second, exhausted is an understatement. They can barely stand on their own."

"Shut up, Marimo."

"Sanji, I find your nickname for him to be a bit insulting," Yonji said, who was leaning against the back of Ichiji's chair for support.

"What about his nickname for me?" Sanji asked cocking a curled eyebrow to his younger brother.

"Which one?" Niji replied. "Stupid cook? Love cook? Pervert cook? Shitty cook? Pervert Prince? Prince of morons? ...Weakling cook?"

"He's never called me that!"

"You're right! I called you that," Niji teased.


"Bitch." (Sorry, I had to... if you get my reference ;) Take a guess answer in the next chapter.)

"Well, as long as you don't direct that to Nami-san, Robin-chan, or any other girl.... Then I'll have to kick your ass."

"Normally I'd say 'hell yes' to a good fight... but I just don't feel up to it right now," Niji said leaning against the wall.

Chopper walked up to Sanji and transformed to heavy point. "I'M YOUR DOCTOR AND I SAID TO GET BACK TO BED! ALL OF YOU! YOU'RE AS BAD AS ZORO!" he said leaning in so he was inches from Sanji's face.

"Hey, Raccoon Dog, don't you know you're not supposed to raise you patience's blood pressure or stress them out? Yelling at them can't be too smart," Ichiji said.

"Well, now you've done it," Sanji said chuckling wrapping an arm around Nami's waist.


"Sanji-kun?!" Nami exclaimed as she threw herself in front of him and catching him in her arms before he could fall to the floor. "Are you okay?"

"Tired. Cold." Sanji muttered, his forehead resting on Nami's shoulder.

Zoro walked over to the two. He pinched Sanji's ear and pulled it.

"Want cigarette. Wine be nice to. Or cuddle Nami-san," Sanji continued to mutter random incomplete sentences, not even phased by Zoro trying to annoy him.

"Yup, he's out of it," Zoro said letting go of Sanji's ear.

"Leave him alone and help me get him to the bed," Nami ordered as she glared at the swordsman.

"Why do I have to, bossy Witch!"

"Insult Nami-Swan and die," Sanji muttered.

"Unbelievable. He's half out of it and he's still trying to pick a fight with your swordsman," Reiju said.

"That's nothing, I've heard Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji, arguing with each other in their sleep before," Nami responded.

"I've got him, Nami," Chopper said, still in heavy point form, and took Sanji in his arms and laid him on Luffy's bed.

"All of you should get some rest," Luffy said. "We'll get the Sunny stocked up with supplies and set sail once Chopper and Law give you guys the okay."

"We can't wait that long," Yonji said, walking over to an empty chair.

"We're leaving as soon as you get supplies," Niji added sliding to the floor.

"Go talk to Mom, tell her we said to have a servant help you," Ichiji muttered laying across the arms of the chair and putting his hands behind his head.

The crew nodded once before heading out the door to leave the five siblings to rest.

Nami looked back to her prince. Sanji pulled his knees up to his chest, shivering in his sleep. She walked back to the bed and pulled the covers over him. "Feel better, my gentalcook," she said after kissing him on the cheek.

Luffy poked his head back in the door, "Nami?"

"I'm coming, Luffy. Keep it down, they need their rest," she replied walking back to the door and pulling it closed behind her.


As always think you so much for the wonderful comments and votes!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as I enjoyed writing it. Can't wait to hear what you think of it!

If you have any requests for other One Piece fics let me know and I'll see what I can do :) (However I'm not one for writing smut so if you want a ship fic I'll write one but it might not live up to your expectations when it comes to that. That said, Sorry in advance.

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