Chapter 32

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*sighs* Once again the pick will be coming soon. I've been at my Grandparents helping them train their new dog and left my tablet at home so I don't have any of my One Piece screen shots and other OP picks/gifs. This is also why my formatting is a bit off but I'll fix it when I get home. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Luffy, we've got a super problem," Franky said as he climbed out of the docking system where he had been doing some minor repairs and tune ups.

"What kind of problem?" Nami asked.

"It's getting dark... there are eighteen people on the Sunny...."

"That is a problem...," Sanji said, who was sitting next to Nami on the bench around the mast. "We didn't think about where everyone was going to sleep.... Not as big of a problem as I was expecting but still a bit of an issue...."

"Let's just not sleep!" Luffy laughed. "We can have a party!"

"Absolutely not!" Chopper said. "Sanji and his siblings should be resting! But no! They think they have to act as bad as Zoro!"

"Anyone want some Venusian stew?" Sanji said staring at the reindeer.

The little doctor made a small yipping sound and backed away from Sanji and into Raiju's leg.

"Sanji, that's not nice!" She said picking Chopper up and holding him in her arms. "How could you say something like that to this adorable little reindeer."

"Stop it. Your compliments don't make me happy or anything, ya jerk! Put me down and go away." Chopper said in his usual way of pretending to hate compliments but failing horribly.

"Uhhh...? O-okay...?" Reiju replied not sure whether he meant what he said or what his expression said.

"Ignore him," Nami said.

"He does that all the time," Robin added with a chuckle.

"With him you have to go by his actions and not his words," Sanji finished.

"Okay... but still... how could you of all people threaten this adorable little animal with cooking him? Where's the sweet little boy that wouldn't even harm a fly?"

"He's part human, it's fine...."

"Sanji-kun!" Nami said smacking him on the arm.

"I'm joking Nami-San."

"But that doesn't answer my question.... Where'd my sweet baby brother go?"

"He died years ago... on a rock... in the middle of the ocean... never mind that.... I'd say he died the day he ran away but that Sanji was a royal brat who didn't understand the value of food, nor did he know how to treat a lady. Value of food he didn't learn until being on that rock. How to treat a lady he learnt after Zeff opened The Baratie. But in my opinion he officially died on the rock. This Sanji, however, was still learning that there are other ways of doing things."

"Took a few years to get threw the Little Brat's thick skull not to be fighting with his hands... as well as how not to cut himself when cutting ingredients," Zeff said to Sora.

"Shut up Old Geezer."

"I'll never forget the first time he cooked for me. He walked all the way from the castle to the hospital, by himself, in the pouring rain, regardless of the fact that his father would have been angry if he found out. His little hands were covered in bandaids."

"The food was completely ruined," Sanji muttered.

"It was not."

"Mom, the nurse threw it away."

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