Chapter 53

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You know what....? This chapter's waited long enough.... I didn't end it how I wanted it to (more on that at the end of the chapter) but it's okay.... You all have waited so patiently for far too long and I really appreciate it. Thank you so much for all the comments and votes. I'm so glad you are enjoying this story and that I'm still getting new readers after all this time.


"Stupid Marimo," Sanji said, sitting on the bench after Zoro left. "Would anyone mind going to kick his ass for me and bring that sake back? We can't restock on this island even if we weren't leaving in the morning. I'd do it myself but... uhh..." he said, gesturing to his leg.

"Nah, I'm good," Niji said taking a bite of the chocolate bar in his hand. "I'm gonna finish my chocolate then go to bed."


"What?!" Niji growled, glaring at Sanji.

"You just ate three chocolate bars and have two more right there to eat, and you better eat them because you already opened them. Chocolate's a brain food. So even if you do go to bed, there's no way you're going to fall asleep for the next few hours."

Sora walked up behind Niji and placed her hands on his shoulder. "How many times do I have to tell you not to eat chocolate before bed?" She asked, an inch away from his ear. "Sanji's right. Every single time you eat chocolate before bed, you're up the entire night."

"But it's chocolate!"

"And you've had enough. Give the last two to you brothers or sister."

"WHA~?!" He said, as if such a thing was unspeakable, let alone thinkable!

"It's fine. There should be a container in one of the cupboards he can put it in for tomorrow," Sanji said. "That way nobody else has to deal with insomnia tonight."

"I'll get it for you," Nami said to Niji as she stood up and walked to a cupbaord.

"But... I want them now...," he pouted.

"You had more then enough," Sora said, taking the two chocolate bars off the table and passed them to Nami.

"I'm going to go do some last minute course charting with Tra-guy before bed," Nami said putting the chocolate in the fridge.


"Yeah. You're from Flevance and Judge said he's going to a kingdom near the ruins of Flevance. In short, you are the best person here to help me chart a course, as well as Bepo."

"Bepo has more charts of the North Blue if you need them."

"Actually that would be quite helpful. We can go to your ship now and take a look if that's alright with you."

"Yeah, that's fine."

"I don't know about the rest of you but I'm going to bed," Ichiji said standing up and walking to the door.

"Yonji, why don't you go with him? He's still got sedative in his system."

Yonji gave Sora a single nod before following Ichiji.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sora said when Niji tried to leave the kitchen as well.

"With Ichiji and Yonji," he said turning back to her and pointing over his shoulder to the door.

"NO!" Ichiji and Yonji yelled poking their heads back through the door.

"I don't think so. You need to go work off some of that chocolate so maybe you can get to sleep at some point tonight. Other wise you'll keep your brothers up all night."

"No I won't."

"YES YOU WILL!" Yonji said.

"You do every single time you eat chocolate as a bed time snack!" Ichiji added.

"Does Judge still station guards by the kitchen so Niji can't sneak in and steal some at night?"

"I haven't done that in years!" Niji said turning to Sanji.

"Only because Dad keeps the kitchen guarded at night," Yonji said.

"Not to mention he steals it during the day, when the kitchen isn't guarded, and stashes it in his room." Reiju added.

"I do not!"

"Then how do you explain the chocolate under that loose floorboard that you refuse to let a maid fix?"

"How'd you know about that?!"

"And I repeat, 'I rest my case'.... Niji's a chocoholic. Not that it's a bad thing. Chocolate is actually good for you.... The darker the better. The bidder dark chocolate is a good source of iron.... It just gets annoying sometimes... Although, I wouldn't hide it under a floorboard, rats love chocolate too, and is just as good for them as it is for humans... maybe even better because dark chocolate can cure mild respiratory infection and help prevent them, which rats are highly susceptible to."

"Sanji-kun, I know why and how you know it's good for people... but why do you know that about rats?" Nami asked.

"He had a pet rat when we were kids," Reiju said.

"I wouldn't call him a pet. He was just a wild rat that lived in the castle. I told you guys about him."

"The one Judge threw out the window?" Robin recalled.

"Wait, he actually threw it out the window?" Yonji asked.

"That's cruel even for Dad," Niji said. "Then again... maybe it isn't."

"You coming, Cat Burglar?" Law asked turning to leave.

"I'll be back after while," Nami replied before giving Sanji a quick kiss on the check and followed Law out the door.


Ugh... originally I wanted this chapter to end with Nami, Law, and Beto charting a course.... But I know absolutely nothing about course charting and navigation (other then basic navigation to keep from getting lost 😅).... So I'm just going to NOT try to make it look like I know what I'm talking about and skip that... but I really want to do a Law's submarine scene....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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