Chapter 48

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Sneak peak of the contest prize above! Water mark will be removed when it is sent to the winners. You can probably already tell that I used the fan art from Chapter six as a reference/base for this with a few changes like how Nami's head is tilted more to the right in the original. And Sanji's shirt and jacket it's now yellow and blue (I'm really loving how the colors on his shirt turned out!). And quit a few more details. Drawing nice lines digitally is difficult for me so when I'm not drawing my own character I need to trace the outlines and adjust so it looks like how I want it. But I'm still a beginner when it comes to digital art so that's to be expected.


"What do you think you're doing?" Zeff said when he walked into the kitchen and found Sanji standing on one leg, the toe of his other foot just barely touching the floor, and washing the table with his good hand.

"What does it look like. I'm cleaning."

"No you're not. Get your ass back into that room and lay down. I'll clean up in here."

"I'm fine. I'm not using my hand."

"Give me the dish rag," Zeff said going to stand next to him. 

"I'm fine. Besides Chopper is in there giving Ichiji another sedative."

"Then sit your ass on that bench and get your leg up. Now." He added taking the dish cloth from him.

"Ugh! Fine!" Sanji said before flopping himself onto the bench, childishly. "You're such a pain in the ass."

"Me? You're the one being a stubborn Little Brat."

"I can at least clean my own kitchen! Stubborn old geezer!"

"You're both stubborn," Nami said walking into the kitchen with Carrot.

They were carrying groceries and Carrot had a carrot sticking out of her mouth. Nami sat her bags down and turned to take Carrot's.

"Carrot! I told you not to eat all the carrots."

"I only had three," she replied.

"I told you you could have one, Carrot," Nami sighed.

"But this Kingdom's carrots are delicious!"

Zeff looked into the bag that Carrot had. "It's fine. There are plenty left. Cosette and I will start the food for the citizens when she gets back with the Little Brats' mother." (Yes, brats' is intentionally plural)

Nami nodded once in understanding before looking to Sanji. She sighed, "he's back to sleep already."

"I knew he would be," Zeff said looking over his shoulder as Nami went to Chopper's office. "Stubborn Little Eggplant."

"He gets it from you," Nami said, coming back into the kitchen with the pillow and blanket from the bed.

"How does he get it from someone he's not even related to," Ichiji said, also coming to the kitchen from Chopper's office. That earned him a kid to the face. "Ouch! What the hell was that for?!"

Zeff shot him a look that said 'you know exactly what', although Ichiji still didn't understand.

"Zeff's stubbornness rubbed off on Sanji, because Sanji had been around him to long," She answered as Ichiji walked over to Sanji and lifted a hand to his throat. She grabbed his hand after placing the pillow under Sanji's head.

"Damn it, this is getting annoying," Ichiji said as Nami shoved him to a chair on the opposite side of the table.

"I thought Chopper gave you another dose of sedative," Nami said.

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