Chapter 7

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Sanji was sleeping on Nami's shoulder at the foot of the bed. She still had her arm around the cook and Chopper was still in his lap. The navigator's head was now resting on the blond's. Robin and Carrot slept on the bed. Luffy and Usopp managed to fall asleep in the two chairs. Zoro slept on the floor against the wall, arms behind his head and three swords next to him. Brook laid on the couch, Franky in the corner of the room along the wall. Law was on the floor, using Kikoku as a pillow.

The crew was startled awake by a loud crashing sound. They looked to the doors to see Yonji standing in the doorway.

"Really? We provide all of you with rooms and this is where you chose to sleep."

"Go away," Sanji told him, burying his face in Nami's hair.

"Sanji, get changed. We're heading to the main castle for dinner with Dad. You better be looking like a Germa Prince with in ten minutes."

"I said, go away!" He said into Nami's hair.

An evil grin appeared on his face, "Why don't you make me?"

"I think he told you to 'go away'," Luffy chimed in. "I suggest you do as he asked."

"How dare you talk to a Royal that way!"

"I'll talk to whoever I want however I want. I don't like you so get lost before I make you."

"Tch, I suggest that you keep that pirate under control, Sanji."

"Hate to break it to you... well, not really... but there is no controlling Luffy, he does what he wants," Sanji replied getting to his feet. "Not to mention, last time I checked, he's the captain, not me."

"Last time I checked, you're a Royal, not him... Royalty~"

"Serves no one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever... Luckily for me and my captain, I am not a Royal. Now if you want me to change into something else, I suggest you go away."

Yonji left the room glaring at Sanji.

A male servant walked in after the youngest brother left. He had a tape measure slung around his neck. "Sanji-sama, Niji-sama, se~"

"You've got to be kidding me! No! Absolutely not! Leave now! I can change me own clothes! And stop with the 'sama' crap!"

"But, Sanji-sama~"


"As you wish," The man finally said and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Sanji placed a hand to his forehead and sighed, "Bastards... Hmm?" He turned to Luffy and Usopp, who were toppled over in laughter, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO LAUGHING AT!"

"They actually sent someone to~"


"MERIMO!" He turned to the sound of Zoro laughing. Much to his surprise, Law was chuckling into his hand. "Law! You guys find this amusing! I tell you my darkest secrets and this is what I get!"

"You know, Black Leg, you're probably the only person in the world that can intimidate someone by threatening to kick them."

"Zeff...?" Sanji cocked an eyebrow at the surgeon.

"Okay, the only Pirate that can intimidate someone by threatening to kick them."

"Zeff is... well, was a Pirate."

"Red Foot Zeff is still alive? Last I knew he practically dropped off the face of the Earth."

"Yup, lived with him for eleven years. Where did you think I learned how to fight?"

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