Chapter 35

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Finally finished this chapter and OMG I didn't expect the end to take that turn but I'm really liking how it turned out! Hope you guys enjoy reading! As always thanks for the votes and comments! Can't wait to hear what you think!


Sanji could hear the sound of people quietly talking. He could smell the faint scent of food, it didn't smell as good as his food, but he could tell someone put a lot of work into it. Just by the smell of it he could tell they used all the right seasonings and he wondered if he was dreaming. No way could this be what his older brother was attempting to make before he fell asleep... unless of course Cosette ended up taking over....

He slowly opened his eyes to find someone standing in front of him with a bowl of food in their hand.

"Good you are awake. Eat." They said stretching their arm out for him to take the bowl.

"N-Niji.... What...?"

"Chicken noodle soup. I hear it's one of the best things to eat when you're sick."

"I'm not sick."

"Last we checked it, your temperature was over a hundred. You're sick. Now shut up and eat," Ichiji said.

Sanji looked up to see Ichiji eating at the table along with Yonji.

"The others aren't back yet?" Sanji asked as he sat up and took the soup from Niji.

"They'll be another hour or so," Cosette replied. "I didn't really feel like walking around anymore so I decided to come back early."

"Good thing you did. Niji would have ended up cutting or burning himself if you didn't."

Ichiji and Yonji laughed.

"Shut up, Sanji! So I was holding the knife wrong, big deal."

"It is a big deal," Sanji said taking a bite of the soup. His eyes widened in complete shock. Of course Cosette took over, there was absolutely no way in Hell Niji cooked this! It wasn't his or Zeff's cooking, that was for sure... but for this to have been made by someone who has never so much as glanced at an ingredient, that was impossible! It took Sanji years to get his cooking at even this level! And even more to get to the level he's at now, and even then he's got more years ahead of him until he's at Zeff's level of cooking!

"Something wrong with it?" Niji asked and Sanji realized he hadn't moved an inch sense he put the spoon in his mouth.

"N-no.... it's just...."


"Cosette took over, right?"

"I did not. Niji-sama cooked it himself."

"You helped with most of it," Niji said not looking at her as he tried to hide how red his face just turned at the tone of appraisal in her voice.

Cosette turned to Sanji. "All I did was correct how he was holding the knife and show him which measuring utensils to use on which ingredients and minor stuff like that."

"Well, Niji, I'm actually impressed. For your first time this is actually good. You're going to hate yourself when your enhancements come back.... Cosette-Chan... you might want to stop talking... I think you've broke him or something," Sanji chuckle.

"I'll break you!" Niji said swinging a punch at Sanji.

"Wait, Niji!"

"What?!" Niji paused mid-punch.


"Sparks?" Ichiji repeated. "His electricity is back?"

"Barely! But there's definitely some coming from his hand.... It could just be his raid suit though."

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