Chapter 10

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Judge opened the fimailur rot iron doors... the doors to the training room. The training room was hidden deep in the main castle, away from the prying eyes of the servants. The room was the average size of a common bedroom, however there was five door along the walls. Above each door frame read 'Zero: Poison Pink', 'One: Sparking Red', 'Two: Electric Blue', 'Three: Flaming Yellow', and 'Four: Wrench Green'.

Ichiji walked over to a control panel in the corner.

"This is ridiculous," Sanji muttered as Judge walked to the  fourth door, 'Flaming Yellow', and opened it.

"In," Judge demanded, gesturing to the room as Ichiji flipped a few switches.

Sanji stared into the smaller room. He jumped and took a step back as flames burst out of the floor. He could see that there were paths to walk through but from what he could tell they were so small that the flames would still come into direct contact with him. He couldn't feel the heat from his own flames but he never tried to touch flames from an outside source like this before and he was extremely careful in the kitchen so he  never burned himself... well not sense he was a kid anyways.

He looked Judge straight in the eye and asked, "Why?" in much the same way as Judge asked him 'why' as he was begging to be rescued from his brothers so many years ago.

"Excuse me?"

"Why should I do this for you? After everything you've done! After everything you put me through! Why the hell should I help you! You have done nothing to deserve my help! NOTHING!"

"I think our brother needs a bit of encouragement," Niji smirked. "Stealth!"

In less then a second, Niji had a hold of Sanji from behind. Sanji allowed his flames to engulf his leg, preparing to defined himself.

"Don't. Fight. Back," Niji ordered. "Or else blood will be spilled in the East Blue."

"What?!" Sanji grawled, turning his head in an attempt to look at his brother.

Yonji laughed, "I think you struck a nerve, Niji!"

"You see, Sanji, not only do we have your friends here as hostages... but we also have a nice little sea restaurant being closely watched... just waiting for our order to... Blow. It. Up..." Niji explained.

"We hired that hostage of yours, Caesar, to make a bomb and as soon as he's done we'll sending another ship out to transport it to the one in the East Blue," Ichiji added.

Sanji couldn't focus. His head flooded with memories of he and Zeff. All the times he insisted on calling Sanji, 'Little Brat', until the day he left with Luffy and Zeff called him by name for the first time. Everything he knew about cooking and fighting, even his chivalry and morals... they all came from that old man.... Sanji would not be who he was today if it hadn't been for Zeff. He owed the man a greater dabt then anyone could ever imagine.

Sanji's body became numb, he couldn't move to defined himself even if he wanted to. Niji's words completely drained every ounce of fight he had left in him. He felt... hopeless.

Judge walked over to him and unlocked the wristlets. "I will remove these for now... but after words they are going right back on. Understood?"

Sanji could barely hear what Judge was saying. His head was spinning and he could hardly breath. He felt like the walls were closing in on him. He didn't even realize that Niji had shoved him through the opened door until Judge said he would be in there for two hours before closing the door and locking it.


Sora walked to the hall were the rooms the Straw Hats were staying in. When she got there she noticed talking coming from Sanji's room, she had managed to convince her husband to allow her son's friends to stay in empty rooms in the same hall as Sanji's old room. She new Sanji wouldn't be back from what Judge called training, she called torcher, yet, so she figured maybe Sanji's friends were waiting for him in his room.

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