Chapter 9

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Disclaimer! I do not own some of the content in this chapter! I have only borrowed and reworded (for the most part) it to fit this story line! Said content is owned by One Piece's Author, Oda! (Which you already know that but I must give credit to whom credit is due :) .) This content can be found in chapter 839 "I Shall Never Forget The Debt That I Owe You" of the One Piece manga.


Sanji stared at the Germa King, not wanting to believe what he was saying.

"That's right, Sanji. There is a chance that you aren't as much of a failure as we originally believed.... But don't think that means I'm going to start actually thinking of you as my son."

"Tch, that's what all this is about?" Sanji turned towards the doors, "Come on guy. Let's get back to the Sunny."

A gust of wind blew past the Straw Hats and Sanji felt something touch both his wrists. He looked at his hands to find two golden wristlets with what appeared to be a key hole on each.

"Niji! What is this?" he said turning to face his brother.

"I'm lightning fast little brother," Niji said with a devious smirk.

"Not what I meant!"

"Wait! That wind was you brother?!" Luffy exclaimed. "So cool!"

"Judge! I thought we discussed this!" Sora said turning to her husband.

"What the hell are these?!" Sanji said holding up one of his hands.

"Sanji, are you aware of the collars Nobles use on their slaves to keep them from escaping?" Judge began.

Sanji turned to the man, wide-eyed.

"Well, those wristlets work in very much the same way," Ichiji continued.

"So if I were you, I wouldn't be leaving the castle any time soon," Yonji added.

"If you do... Well, let's just say... you'll be cooking with your feet," Niji finished.

At that Sanji began to tug at one wristlets, "Cut the crap! Get them off me, now!"

"Sanji," the other girl finally spoke up. She walked over to him. The wristlet began to make a beeping sound as Sanji tried to break the lock. The girl placed a hand on his, "Stop, Sanji. Let go of the wristlet."


"The only way your going to get them off is with the respective keys. The only one of us who knows where they are is Dad."

"You realize that I can use my devil fruit power to get them off him, right?" Law said.

"I am well aware of the power of the op-op fruit," Judge said. "I was also aware of you alliance with the Straw Hats before I had those made. Which is why they are designed with tracking and DNA recognition technology, so these will, not only, alert me, but Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji, as well, if they are removed," He added as the four of them held up four small, identical objects. "You just saw how fast Niji is. I gave him strict orders to be the first one there if you do take them off him."

"I can electrocute them too, right?"

"You're playing dirty!" Luffy said.

"You can't just force him to stay here!" Nami added.

"He's a prince of this country! I am not only his father but his King as well! If I tell him he's staying then he is staying!"

"Judge! This is not necessary!"

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