Chapter 15

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"We're not going to the training room?" Sanji asked as he followed Judge and his siblings down an unfamiliar hall.

"Not that one," Judge answered. "This one is... a special training room."

Special? Why do I not like the sound of that? Sanji thought as they stopped at the end of the hall. Judge flipped a switch on the wall before opening the door.

Sanji stared at Judge, eyes narrowed in confusion. They were back at the entrance hall just outside the dining hall.

"This is a joke, right?"

"Just shut up and come on," Yonji said picking Sanji up by the collar of his shirt.

"I CAN WALK ON MY OWN!" Sanji yelled as Yonji carried him back to the dining hall doors.

"You know, it's really sad when the younger brother is able to carry the older brother," Niji laughed as Yonji sat Sanji on the ground.

"You do realize that Yonji could carry all three of you if he wanted to, right?" Reiju said. "Last I checked, you and Ichiji are also his older brothers, so wouldn't your statement apply to not just Sanji, but the two of you as well?"

Sanji covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing.


"Nope," Sanji said serpresing a grin. "Why the hell are we back here? What was the point of walking in a circle?"

"That door is locked on the outside. Somebody," Niji pretended to cough into his hand while saying Yonji, "broke the only key. So now we have to go the long way to get to the stupid switch."

"You think I intentionally broke it?"

"Maybe if you'd be a bit more careful and control your strength more often..." Reiju began.

"This is me caring," Ichiji interrupted as he opened the dining hall doors. "You guys coming or not?"

Sanji followed the others in. He looked around in disbelief, he thought for sure that they just walked into the dining hall but instead it was a completely different room. There was a red carpet leading from the door to the end of the large room. Three marble pillars lined either side of the carpet, four candles around each one. The walls were also lined with candles. At the far end of the room there was some sort of machine. Nere the machine was a huge circular platform. In the center of the platform was painted a smaller gray circle, with the letter 'J', just large enough for someone to stand on. The outer ring was divided into five sections, each colored and numbered for the five siblings.

"What the hell is that?" Sanji asked staring at the machine.

"That doesn't concern any of you right now," Judge said bluntly.

"Any of you? Are you saying there's something you're not telling Reiju and the others?"

"We've been in here multiple times but he still won't tell us what it is," Reiju explained.

"And I repeat, this is me caring," Ichiji said tossing a yellow cylinder to Sanji while at the same time taking a red one out of his pocket.

"A raid suit," he said examining the object. "I'm not using this!"

"Yes you are," Judge said.

"I'm not using this kind of science to make myself stronger!"

"You already do," Niji reminded.

"I wasn't given a choice on that!"

"And your not given a choice on this either," Yonji said grabbing Sanji from behind.

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