Chapter 30

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Here's a long chapter for you all on this wonderful Christmas Day. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and in case I don't have the next chapter ready by then, Happy New Year!

"What the Hell is taking that ero cook so long?" Zoro complained taking a drink of sake.

He probably went to find Niji," Nami answered. "You know how he is about making sure everyone eats."

Ichiji and Yonji glanced at each other before turning to Zoro. "Ero cook?"

"Ignore him. If you haven't noticed they're always calling each other names."

"Yes, we have noticed, Princess Cat Burglar," Yonji replied.

"We just haven't heard that one yet."

Reiju and Nami turned to Yonji skeptically.


"Are you feeling okay?" Reiju asked.

"Other than a lack of genetic enhancements, I'm great. Why?"

"Well, your highness, last I checked, I'm hardly a princess. I know Sanji thinks I am, but that's Sanji, he thinks every girl is a princess."

"On the contrary," Ichiji chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Robin rested her chin in her plam, smiling, as she could see where this was going.

"Are you not our brother's girlfriend?" Yonji asked.

"As of recently, yes. What does that have to do with anything?"

"Nami, Sanji, weather he likes it or not, is infact a Prince!" Ichiji started.

"Would you boys stop beating around the bush and answer the poor girls question?!" Sora finally jumped in. "What they are saying is you are dating a Prince. Which means, if you two were to get married, well that would make you a princess."

"You're no fun," the two brothers muttered.

"Yeah, I guess that's true.... I haven't even thought of that."

"Why do I not believe that," Usopp said under his breath, earning him a punch to the head. "What was that for?!"

"What possible alternative motive do you think I have for being with Sanji-kun!"

"Money," Law chimed in bluntly. "Black Leg is a Prince of the most powerful and richest kingdom in the North Blue. Aren't you the one that has a treasure obsession, Miss. Cat Burglar?"

Nami's eyes turned to berry symbols at the very moment Sanji kicked the door open and began yelling at Luffy.

"GET YOUR HANDS OUT OF NAMI-SWAN'S FOOD! ... AND ICHIJI'S!" He added as a rubbery arm snapped to Luffy's mouth.

"Sanji-kun!" Nami said jumping onto the blond and rapped her arms and legs around him.

"Nami-san?!" He said wide eyed as he stepped back to catch his balance.

"Sanji's getting used," Yonji laughed.

"Poor bastard," Ichiji chuckled.

"You two have been around Zoro too long," Chopper giggled.

"Tell me I'm not the only one that noticed eyebrows lost his balance?"

"Just because I have the best balance on the crew doesn't mean I don't lose it once in a while!"

"Uh-huh, sure."

"You try having a beautiful swan throw herself at you unexpectedly! Oh wait! No girl would ever throw herself at someone like you!"

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