Chapter 51

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Dinner went smoothly, for the most part, apart from Niji not missing any opportunity to pick on Sanji, but that was nothing new. It did seem to help him get over his irritation with Zoro, though, so Sanji tried not to let it get to him.

"That was absolutely delicious," Sebastian's wife smiled to Sanji. "Thank you."

"It was my pleasure. But I did have help," Sanji replied looking to Nami who was on the baby transponder snail getting Usopp and Franky to come help take everything back to the ship.

"So you'll be leaving in the morning?" She asked.

"Yeah. Mom is sending some of Germa's soldiers to help you guys rebuild."

"That's not necessary."

"It's going to take a lot more then ordinary commoners to fix the mess that Dad caused," Niji said. "Our soldiers will get it done in no time." 

"And they're not bringing weapons so you don't have to worry about that."

"Speaking of weapons. Sebastian, come hear please."

Sebastian, who had walked off to help one of the other citizens with something as soon as they were done eating, walked over to see what his wife wanted. 

"Yes, Dear?"

"The Straw Hats will be leaving in the morning. Did you bring their belongings?"

"Our Raid Suits?!" Niji asked, like a child who just found their favorite toy that had gotten lost.

"Niji...," Sanji said in a dull tone, unimpressed with the sudden excitement from his older brother.

"Wha-?" He cut himself off when he saw what was in Sanji's hand. "Chocolate!"

"Fetch!" Sanji said throwing the chocolate bar.

Niji stealthed to catch it and sat in the sand to eat it.

"That's never going to get old," Sanji said.

Cosette chuckled.

"Wait...?" Niji said realizing something. "I AM NOT A DOG!"

"Eat your chocolate."

A streak of electricity flew past Sanji's face.

"Hey! Watch where you're aiming that!" Sanji yelled looking to Niji who had a finger pointing at him,  the chocolate bar in his mouth and a grin on his face.

"Sebastian? Their Raid Suits."

Sebastian reaches into his pockets and pulled out the Raid Suits. (you know what? If Luffy can stuff his pockets full of meat that was left on the bone then Sebastian can fit five Raid Suits into his pockets with out any one being able to tell! (The Vinsmoke's have to put them somewhere.... knowing Oda I'm sure we can guess where Reiju keeps her's when she's not wearing it.... But her brother's more then likely keep theirs in their pocket.... Sanji isn't currently (anime wise anyways) because he's wearing Wano attire (a kimono) but now that the manga is at the actual fight and he's back in his normal clothes it's probably in his pocket.... yeah I'm shutting up now....)

Niji was there in less then a second with his hand out stretched. Sebastian hesitantly laid the blue cylinder in Niji's palm.

"Cosette-Chan, would you mind holding this a second?" He asked holding the chocolate bar out towards her.

She took it and he wasted no time changing into his Raid Suit.

"Feel better?" Cosette asked.

"Much. I hate not having this with me at all times."

"I'll take Ichiji's," Sanji said taking the red cylinder, "but you can keep mine. I don't want it."

Niji hit Sanji on the back of the head, "You're taking it! Unless you really want to attempt to fight Dad again without it!"

"It was a joke. Geez...," Sanji said rubbing the back of the head. "Chopper won't forgive you if you give me a concussion."

"Why does it mater which ones you take anyway?"

"Because I'm giving it to Nami, who's going to hide it. Ichiji was given an order to kill me remember? These are designed to heighten our enhancements. Which means it will probably heighten your enhancement to have to obey Judge's every order. He's able to fight it somewhat now but what do you think will happen if he puts this on?" Sanji explained holding up Ichiji's Raid Suit.

"Good point."

"Speaking of which, I have to talk to you and the others once we get back to the ship."


"Something I found out from Judge the other day. It's something you guys really should know."

"Franky and Usopp are coming to get the grill. Why don't we head back to The Sunny so you can get off you leg?" Nami said when she hung up the transponder snail.

Sanji looked back to his grill. He didn't feel comfortable just leaving it there with no one he fully trusted around. It wasn't cheap so he really didn't want it getting stolen, although he doubted it would, but you never know.

"Sebastian and I can stay here until you're friends get here," Sebastian's wife smiled, seeing the concern in Sanji's eye.

"Thank you," Sanji said turning to her. "It's not that I don't trust the citizens here, it's just you never know what might happen. It's not my cheapest cooking supply and if I have to buy a new one, Nami-San won't be happy. And I really don't like to see her unhappy."

"It's literally the absolute least we can do after you helped our kingdom," she said. "I just wish we could do more."

"No. It's my fault this even happened. I should never have returned to Germa."

"Shut up, Failure," Niji said. "Even if you didn't come with us, Dad still would have attacked every kingdom in the North Blue. He just would have done it differently. Not that we would have let you choose not to come. Anyway... Race ya back to the Sunny!" He said quickly picking up Cosette and flying off to the ship.


Nami chuckled. "Come on."


Ugh. Another short chapter. I prefer my chapters being at least a thousand words but it is what is it (the other short chapter being in A Pirate's Secret.). All well hopefully the next chapter will be longer.

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