Chapter 29

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Sooo I remembered what it was I was forgetting last chapter.... I'll add that now, lol.


(We interrupt this chapter for a quick completion of the previous chapter)

"I never thought my past would catch up with me this soon...."

Luffy looked at Sanji, who was still facing the counter. "We protect each other, Sanji. Your problems are our problems. Your fight is our fight. That's how it's always been and that's how it always will be. It doesn't matter what your past is, you know that."

"You should know that better than any of us, Sanji-kun. I can't count the number of times you saved us in tight situations."

"Yeah, that time in Alabasta when we all got caught by Crocodile," Usopp said.

"I had help."

"But it was your plan," Chopper interjected.

"When you snuck on board the Sea Train and freed Usopp and I from CP9."

"I snuck aboard the train to save Robin, not my fault you two were idiots and got yourselves caught."

"That time on Skypia when you took the hit for Usopp and I letting us escape from Enel and his lightning."

"And we can't forget that day on Drum Island When you threw yourself in front of that avalanche to save Nami and I. That was a stupid move, by the way. Next time you do something like that warn me."

"Yeah, don't need you breaking your back again," Chopper lectured.

"He broke his back," Niji said with a grin.

"Shut up. I barely broke it."

"How do you barely break your back?" Yonji asked.

"It was just a crack, obviously. I'm still able to walk aren't I?"

"Miraculously. He overexerted himself. Running around and fighting. Not to mention before that you already needed surgery on it."

"Yeah, just a crack, sure," Ichiji chuckled. "That's why you needed surgery on it."

"Go eat your pudding on the deck! All three of you!"

"Don't feel like it," Niji grinned before eating a spoonful of chocolate pudding.

"Yeah. Besides we're royals. A royal should never eat outside," Yonji added.

"Out!" Sanji yelled as the three brothers got to their feet and ran out of the kitchen laughing. Sanji sat down in the chair next to Nami with a sigh. "...? Niji took the whole bowl of chocolate pudding with him didn't he?"

"Yup," Some of the crew said as the others said "I believe so."

Sanji stood back up running out the door while yelling, "Niji, I'm going to kick your ass! That chocolate pudding is for everyone! Get back here!"


(Now, back to our regularly scheduled chapter!)

"Uh... Sanji, what are you doing?" Yonji asked.

"Taking a nap."

"On the grass?" Niji added.

Niji and Yonji had just walked into the deck from the boys' dorm to find Sanji laying on the ground under one of Nami's tangerine trees.

"Go away."

"Don't feel like it."

"Is that your reply to everything, Niji?"

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