Chapter 22

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"Usopp! Don't be ridiculous! We can't hide in the same place!" Luffy argued. "He'll find us both that way!"

"He'll find us both either way. Besides this is Zoro we're talking about! He couldn't find us even if there was a giant sign pointing at us with bright, bold letters 'Luffy and Usopp are here!' He'd be like 'okay so they're this way' and go the opposite direction."

Luffy laughed, "He would! Okay fine. Let's hid in this room!"

"But it says 'authorized personnel only'."

"So?" Luffy said opening the door.

"Well, as long as you're here, I guess.... But I got a bad feeling about this," Usopp replied following Luffy into the room. And as long as Sanji's brothers don't show up, he thought with a shudder.

"Wow. This room is really long!"

"You idiot! It's not a room! It's a hallway!"

"Let's explore it!" Luffy said taking off in a run.



"Okay, either you cheated and used observation haki or you gained a sense of direction. I'm going with the first option."

"Shut up, Nami!"

"Bro, I'm with Nami on this. You found me super fast!"

"I understand him finding you fast, Franky. But Robin, Brook, and Law."

"Yo-ho-ho. I might have been humming...."

Robin chuckled.

"Let just go find Chopper and the other two," Zoro said dismissively.


"Oi, Sanji. How you feeling?"

"What do you care, Ichiji?" Sanji was sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest, arms wrapped around his legs, forehead resting on his knees.

"Topically we would say we don't. But right now...." Niji answered.

"Doesn't mean we like it though," Yonji added.

"I'm fine. Just dizzy and a bit tired."

"I can't believe this is what he was planning this whole time," Reiju said. "To think we actually trusted him."

"Guess, Sanji really was the only one of us in his right mind," Niji laughed weakly.

"Would you three stop talking? You're starting to freak me out."

"What's the matter, Sanji? Don't like it when they're being remotely kind?"

"Well it's not something I'll get used to, that's for sure."

"Better not because it's not going to last long...." Yonji replied.

"...We hope.... " Niji added. "Damn it! I hate this!"

"Yup, we're all going to die," Ichiji said laying down and crossing his arms behind his head.

"Don't get all relaxed!"

"What else am I supposed to do, Niji? We're not getting out of here anytime soon."

"Luffy will find us."

"Dad probably turned the switch to this room off. Your friends will never find us," Yonji said.

"I have faith in my captain. He'll find us," he replied laying back and closing his eyes.

"Now you're relaxing too!"

"I am not. I'm tired, shut up."

"Sanji, don't fall asleep on us. You heard what Dad said."

"Reiju, I'm not sleeping. I just can't sit up any longer."


"This hallway is really long," Usopp said as the two continued down the dark hall they were hiding in.

"I know right," Luffy laughed. "Hey! I think I see some light up a head!"


"Hehe, Zoro will never find me here," the little reindeer said. "Then again, I could hide in front of him and he still wouldn't find me."



"What is it Tra-guy?" Nami asked.

Law pointed behind him to a statchue along the wall.

"Umm, Chopper...." Nami began.

"I think you're supper missing the point of this game...."

"Indeed, yo-ho-ho."



"Finally, a door!"

"Luffy! Don't open it! We don't know what's behind it!" Usopp coward behind his arms as light flooded into the darkened hallway. When he finally looked he saw none other than. "Aaaagh! Zoro! Luffy close the do~!"

"Hey Zoro! Guys! We found you!"


"They were?"


"Guess this means I win," Zoro replied with a grin.

"Hey! What's this thing do?" Luffy said pulling a switch on the wall.


"Come on," Nami sighed. "We might as well see if Sanji is still in the dining hall while we're here," She added as she walked to the doors.


"Hay, Sanji?"

"What, Niji?"

"The other day.... When I sent a servant to your room~?"

"What about it?" Sanji cut him off.

"I only did it because I knew it would irritate you...."

"Yeah, I figured.... Luffy and the others got a good laugh out of it so I guess it's fine."

"Your reaction to it was kinda funny though," Yonji said.

"How would you know? You weren't there."

"We might have been standing at the end of hall," Ichiji explained.

"Of course you were," Sanji huffed a laugh.

Their actually getting along. Who would've thought that was possible," Reiju thought with a smile.

"Oh, and throwing that plate at Cosette.... I crossed the line with that one...."

"I'm not the one you need to be apologizing to."

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