Chapter 2

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The small town was quiet. There were hardly anybody on the streets as the crew and two captains walked from shop to shop, each of them going their separate ways. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper went to a shop that looked to be filled with random knick knacks and trinkets that only those three would be interested in. Franky left to get supplies he needed for a new contraption he was working on and Brook headed to a music store in hopes of getting new strings for his guitar and violin. Nami went to a clothing store and Robin to a book shop.

Although Sanji wanted to go carry Nami or Robin's bags he knew he had to get food supplies because between the trip to this island and the party back at Zou, they were in dire need of a restock. Much to his surprise, Law walked with him, as well as Zoro, who Sanji had to practically drag with him so the swordsmen didn't get lost, again.

"Stupid Eyebrows, why does it matter where I go? I need to get my swords sharpened."

"Shut up Moss-head, you sharpen them yourself all the time! If it weren't for me you would have gotten lost the second we all split up! ...I take that back, you would have gotten lost the second we got off the ship," Sanji replied, examining some vegetables.

"Why did you come with us Tra-guy?" Zoro asked, turning to Law, who was leaning against the wall with his legs crossed and Kikoku over his shoulder as usual.

"Black Leg is less annoying than some of your other crew mates," he replied in a brutally honest, dull tone.

"I'll have to disagree with that. Have you seen the way he acts with girls?"

"I'd watch it if I were you or you'll be going without food tonight."

"Like I care. Your cooking gives me a stomach ache."

"Complain about the food and I'll make it a week."

"What are you, my mother? I've gone three weeks without food before, one more isn't going to bother my," Zoro replied, thanking back to the time he first meant Luffy.

"Marimo! That comment makes it four weeks. And FYI, I've gone eighty five days without food so I don't want to hear you complaining about three lousy weeks." (The Edit/OCD police is just going to sneak in hear reeeaaaally quick and change two months to 85 days because we like accuracy.... And my mild case of OCD is kicking in now that I'm actually reading the manga from the beginning and know the exact number of days it was that Sanji and Zeff was on the rock.... I blame this on Oda....)

Law shook his head, realizing just how much the two felt they had to turn everything into some sort of competition.

"So Black Leg, your captain tells me you're from the North Blue as well," Law said as they walked to the meat aisle.

"T-technically, yes. I was born there and moved to the East Blue when I was eight."

"So then, did you notice the same thing I did?"

"Well, I was hoping I was just imagining it, but if you noticed it too... then clearly I'm not... Somehow we sailed through the calm belt and right into the North Blue. Although, I am rather confused as to how Nami-san didn't notice we were off course."

"Yes, it's rather troubling."

"Bida-bida-bida. Bida-bida-bida." Sanji reached into his pocket to retrieve the baby transponder snail that Nami had given to a member of each group before leaving the Sunny.

"Nami-san? Is everything okay?" Sanji answered.

"I'm not sure. Everyone meet back at the main street, where we split up."

"What? But we were having fun!" They heard Luffy complain.

"You can continue having fun once I've figured something out. Just get back here. Robin and I are already here."

"Law, Marimo, and I are... wait a minute..." Sanji looked around to find that Zoro was nowhere in sight. "Where the hell did that idiot go!?"

"Don't tell me you lost Zoro!"

"Nami-swan, I didn't loose him! He lost himself."

"Yo-ho-ho," Brook laughed. "No need to worry. I see him."

"Good, everyone hurry back here."

"We're on our way, Nami-san. Hey, Brook, don't let that Moss-head outta your sight, keep a close eye on him."

"I would if I had any eyes, yo-ho-ho."


"Sorry, Sanji-san, does my jokes get under your skin?"


"Do you have a bone to pick with me?"

"I'm hanging up now. Nami-swan, Robin-sweet, do be careful while I'm not there to protect you! I'll be there as fast as my... I mean as fast as Law can teleport us there."


"Click." Sanji placed the transponder snail back in his pocket.

"Alright, let's go," Sanji gave Law a sheepish grin.

"You're lucky you remind me of him." Law stretched out a hand, glaring at the blond cook. "Even if it is only a little."

"Yeah, I know."



"What's the matter, Nami?" Chopper asked once everyone was at the designated meeting spot.

"Yeah, we were having fun exploring!" Luffy whined.

"Look everyone, don't ask me why I didn't realize this before because I do not know myself... I'm sure at least two of you already noticed this..." Nami looked at Sanji and Law, both of which responded with a single, simultaneous, nod. Neither of them looked happy about their situation. Law had a bad history with the North Blue after all, and Sanji... well, Sanji never talked about his time as a citizen of the North Blue, so one could assume his experience wasn't the greatest either.

"That's right, you have crossed the calm belt and entered the North Blue." Sanji knew that voice. It's been thirteen years since he's heard it, but it still sent shivers down his spine. It was a lot older now, no longer the voice of a child. His body trembling as he turned to face his greatest fear. "Welcome home... Sanji," The blue haired man said with a malicious grin.


AN: Coincidentally enough, Niji shows up. Where will this conversation between the two brothers lead?  Find out in the next chapter!

Random Funfact: Wondering why I put the last Funfact in the last chapter... -_- *cringes at self*

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